Jackson stepped out his car a small bag of DVDs in hand, he reached into the ignition and grabbed his keys before closing the door and proceeded to press a button on the key-chain locking it behind him, he waited a second until he heard a honk, satisfied Jackson then proceeded to walk over to the door. But stopped when he heard rustling in one of the many bushes that lined the front yard of Holly's Mansion (well compared to his home at-least) [color=01DF01]"Cain come out of the bushes"[/color] no response, Jackson would have moved on if it weren't for the fact he could hear Cain's snickering [color=01DF01]"Dude i can hear you snickering and i got the thing you wanted"[/color] not on his person mind you Jackson had left it in the trunk of his car.[@BlondieBoy]