Chartose was enjoying a rather hearty meal, half of which he'd caught himself, the other half paid for, prepared most graciously by the well-paid innkeepers as the crowded hall of jovial gents listened to a huntswoman's yarn about a creepy little cave-entrance some three days worth of hard hiking right into screamer-territory. The Charr scoffed, downed the last of his meade, and took a place in line. The Yuan-Ti huntress made quick work of dismissing much of the rabble as being fueled more from liquid-courage and hormones than an actual taste of adventure and exploration. By the time it was his turn the phrase [color=f6989d][i]"How can you be useful to me?"[/i][/color] had lost all hint of emotion. [color=6ecff6]"You said there is a cave, a dark one. I can see well enough in the dark, I can cope and climb well enough with or without a rope. You had my interest at this place having the wildlife spooked."[/color] Chartose then motioned for two more goblets of ale to the table as he pulled-up a chair, [color=6ecff6]"So what sent you out looking for wild-game in screamer-territory?"[/color]