[@Cultural Titan] I am willing to rework Joan's abilities and still keep the whole skilled rogue/spy aspect while removing things that aren't exactly necessary. One thing being her incurable wounds. It was a neat concept at the time but it's somewhat unnecessary and only exists to to make recovering after a fight with her needlessly complicated in the IC. I would still like to keep her resistance to mind magic, but I think she could do without Golden Thanatos' magic cutting powers. In all honesty, Black Thanatos' marks is a more than effective tool for dealing with mages, so she doesn't really need any more. I'm sure I can think of something to replace the Golden Thanatos' ability. One that fits with her quick fighting style. What I might do is remove the magical marks from her black dagger and put them on her golden dagger. So her golden dagger is the one effective at dealing with mages and her black dagger is a deadly sharp tool that causes lots of bleeding. I imagine there isn't much of a discrepancy with her talents, since it mostly seems like the issue you're facing is with her weapons abilities. But those are just ideas. I'm also considering scrapping her all together and trying something new.