"It can't be gone." Yasmine spun around on her heel and took off after Scorn, easily catching up behind the skull-faced woman. "Maybe it's close by?" She searched for her former companion amongst the ruins, a twinge of sadness hitting her as she took in the broken remains of the fallen city. There was nothing but destruction and chaos -- two of her least favorite things. "Hey, Scorn?" Yasmine ran faster to match pace with her new...acquaintance. "Do you know what happened here? Why everything's all...all..." She frowned as searched for a proper word. "Well, all gone to hell?" A flash of brown against gray caught her eye, momentarily distracting her. There, crouched amongs the abandoned skeleton of a store, was the cat. It's amber eyes glimmered with what seemed like amusement before it turned tail and scampered away. It weaved through the concrete, headed for what looked like a couple of figures in the distance. Yasmine sharply changed directions. "Hey! This way!" [@Argetlam350][@Jones Sparrow][@BCTheEntity]