[@YamiNoNeko2341] If you could put a space between the colon and the first letter in the line, that would be great. But otherwise, all good, if a little sparse. A few more details would be nice, but they aren't of primary import. [@Blizz] Hello again! Couple of blips: Race - so is he a dark skinned fellow, or is he a humanoid with black skin? If it's the latter, could you explain a little more about teh race? Spacing between your colons ( : ) and dashes ( - ) would greatly improve readability. But that should be it. Everyone I haven't mentioned: You guys are all approved. However, I just realised that I forgot to include an Appearance section, so if you could either add a section into the CS for Appearance, or add a picture like how [@Leslie Hall] has done, if you haven't already, before you add it to the CHAR section, then you're approved.