[quote=LittleAlouette] Hey, so I'm totally interested. Quick question: what sort of technology are we dealing with, here? I mean, seeing as we have magic thrown into the equation, do you think mechanical limbs would be feasible? Because I was thinking of a character infected with a sort of, uh, magic-borne rotting sickness. That happens to make a lovely poison if she harvests her own bodily fluids. In all its weird usefulness, though, it would have a nasty habit of consuming her, though, and I'm thinking she lost an arm and maybe a good chunk of her leg when she wasn't accustomed to the nature of the sickness yet...Except a one-armed, one-legged poison mistress wouldn't make the best of assassins, so I was thinking about mechanical limbs that, though they aren't anywhere near as good as the real thing, still manage to be functional. I'm thinking they'd be iron joint systems fueled by the potent internal magic consuming her from the inside?Alright. I'm going to shut up now. But I would like to know about the state of technology and/or its relationship to magic. That really wasn't a quick question, was it? [/quote] If you hadn't no noticed there are very few quick answers from me too -- you're in good company. 1) Magick: Good chance that the most common magick that one can be use is something to weakly ward off bad spirits and to encourage healing. Some regions will likely have developed a deeper understanding of the magical arts, but the common layperson would not have this in most of the continent. If you're expecting technology running on a battery of magick, knowing what I've just said, then you'll need to speak with me personally (if a limited number of places are magical savants, stands to assumption your tech would be from them). 2) Magick-Disease: Awesome! I absolutely love this so much that I am going to play that idea into the OOC as a drawback.Thank you! Specifically related to your character, I love the idea of a diabetes-like disease created from the misuse of large amounts of magick. We could brainstorm on this together, but if you plan on using the blood as a poison, I'd recommend making that essential to her survival. That is to say, her blood is corrupted by magick and she must give, say, 1/4 pint every 1-2 weeks. The blood works as a poison, but if she forgets or she draws too much too often she suffers (average person needs 6-8 weeks between giving 1 pint). Again, totally something I'm willing to help you craft here if you need. It's good to start thinking of weaknesses though, as they'll be useful. 3)[I]Technology[/I]: Big question for last. Prosthetics have always been something of interest to me in fiction and I love characters who push the hegemonic norms of our society. You want to play a character who pulls strength from their difference? I'll get on the fuck [I]dis[/] in disabled train right now with you. For our purposes I would say having a usable prosthetic is in fact possible (they had them in Ancient Egypt and Greece). I'd say you're welcome to play this. If your character, or someone else's (hint to anyone wanting deep interaction!) is a skilled 'mechanic' of sorts I'd even say I'd accept some level of modification to the limbs for a mission -- like hiding a dagger within the hand. How you'll fuel the tech is another question... I'd like it to be renewable, but by something like a battery so the limitation is more felt. Maybe the prosthetics are mechanical and still do feed off the magick in the blood, but some of the blood she gives to making poison must be put into the prosthetics like fuel (perhaps a vial suffices for however long, we don't need exact times or all that). [I]Technology & Magick[/I]: Some regions embrace technology deeply, usually creating magnificent clockwork cities, carriages, boats, and intriguing weapons. Their devotion to 'science' is seen by most as curious, and by some as heathen. Other regions give themselves to magick with the same fervour, building an entire society off the ability to use magick (think of Brent Weeks' Chromeria), and many see this as risky, and some again as heathen. There is mostly a scale with the two on opposite ends. We will find some regions where both are intertwined though, but they're more rare. 4) I keep saying this, but I want to hammer in the point. Our missions aren't going to be quickies ended with awkward, half-smoked cigarettes and a walk of shame. The Night Kiss will have a fixed base where they may live, train, and store their needs and the like (can't decide if ours will be a large home-ship or land-based). As needed, we'll leave our base to travel to whatever region and township our job requires. We may stick around there a little while, making relationships with NPCs, learning the politics, and all that. Some areas may judge y'all for your race or accents, others may have treasures or technology that could better your life. It'll be entirely possible to have your own mini-plots within a mission while you meet the folk, potentially do work for them, or even find lovers. All in all, you all will be able to take from most of these places what you'd like. Perhaps magick-enhanced weapons, clockwork limbs, and other gems. The Night Kiss are pilgrims, in a way, and that has its benefits.