[color=gold]Colton noticed the look in Holly's eyes and internally sighed, a little. So she was still really beaten up about the whole thing, huh? [i]If she's so nervous, we just shouldn't do it! Messing with the dead is creepy, anyway...[/i] He frowned a little at this and slowly moved his hands to rest gently on her hips. Colton wanted to bad to support her in this, to give her some kind of closure, to find out [i]anything[/i] about why Rosie had left them, but something in him screamed that it was a bad idea. It felt like something might go terribly wrong, and he couldn't lost Holly, too. He just couldn't. Despite what she may or may not believe about him, he really did think that he was in love with Holly. She made him happy in every way imaginable. Rosie had been dear to him, but she was dull compared to Holly's brilliance. It was terrible to say after everything that happened, but he really did believe that. [b]"Oh, I see how it is. Best friend comes first, huh?"[/b] He teased, sticking his tongue out, playfully. [b]"Just keep your hands to yourself, Jada. Holly's mine."[/b] Gently, he turned Holly around to face him and winked at her, of course only joking. They weren't like that, obviously. But Holly just looked so cute when Colton teased her, he couldn't help it. His hand went to cup her cheek, and he lightly pressed his lips to hers, letting a bit of sexual tension seep into the connection. God, she was hot... he couldn't deny that. He loved this woman, definitely. Grinning, he decided to leave them be and went over to where his guitar sat against the wall. To soothe his own nerves, he decided to relax and practice a few chords until the rest of the party got here.[/color] [color=purple]Being ignored by everyone didn't really phase Isabel, as that was how they usually reacted to her drunkenness. So when Holly didn't reply, she took the liberty of placing the rum next to the punch bowl with the expectation that everyone would be crazy enough to drink it straight, like she did. [b]"Now don't go hogging it for yourselves..."[/b] She slurred, wandering over to the bed and flopping herself down on it. She frowned at Colton's playing and sighed loudly, obviously annoyed that he was playing over her music. When he ignored her, though, as usual, she occupied herself by counting the people in the room. [b]"Wait!! Where is everyone else? Ughhhhh they're so slow!"[/b] She exclaimed, boredly.[/color]