[Iratze] The corrupted goddess ceased her search and turned abruptly as Amos was attacked once again, by Seatus, and then by [i]hummans[/i]. She noticed too late, but, Amos was not harmed unduly by either. He began to retreat into the forest... ... She took flight. She spread her wings and shot toward Amos like a bolt. The wings were black, but shone with iridescent colors, like the wings of a starling. She caught up to Amos, and grabbed him by the shoulders. With the power of her wings the two were able to retreat all the faster. [color=9e0039] "Amos..." [/color]She spoke to him as she flew.[color=9e0039] "Where might you and I go now?"[/color] Her mind was still wide with the possibilities now lain before her. They could go anywhere... On [i]Earth[/i]... She scowled a bit, reminded of her limitations. Yet, she was empowers now... Could she cross the worlds? She felt so angry that she might [i]burn[/i] her way through heaven and hell and back again.