[h1][u]Atlas[/u][/h1] ((Gonna make Eli continuing walking, as if nothing ever happened)) After the mechanic shop, Eli didn't take any unnecessary risks. He hid whenever he heard a gunshot. He took another block because he saw a recently used campfire inside the nearest building. Any road that looked recently walked through he didn't go down. He was so angry about being tricked that he didn't want to let his anger get the best of him, and he certainly didn't want to die when he had absolutely no idea who the hell he was. And just when he let his guard down to talk to a man with what seemed to be a calf, it turned out to be much more dangerous than a bunch of raiders. The man gave a smile and laugh, one that didn't sound to be full of happiness... It was much more sinister. "Oh no, He's not dinner tonight for anyone... In fact, you might be good for dinner. He is quite hungry." The man said casually, leaving Eli's instincts to go crazy. "I...I'm sorry...?" Eli's hand slowly went for his sword. "Oh yes... you're one of them.. The gray streaks in your hair... Your strength. Those eyes. Yes only one could have eyes that severely haunted. You will do nicely for a sacrifice. Can't have you achieving your plan." As the man talked, Eli tried very hard to concentrate. What was he talking about? It was as if he knew him, as if he was someone he met before and thought it was funny that he was lost here. Eli didn't find it funny at all. "What... What are you talking about?" Eli tried to demand, his head starting to hurt, his heartbeat getting faster. "Do you really want to know? I'm sure you would enjoy your present self than reliving the agony you call your past. Yes, you are definitely an older being. She loves the taste of Titans." Eli's head screamed with pain, he almost fell to his knees, but he managed to stay up. He drew his sword, which made the man laugh amusingly and the calf to give a demonic growl. "You want to play before we eat? We love a dinner and a show." The man laughed, this time in a much more sinister voice, and in a second the ground started to shake. A black mass took over the man and animal, Eli stumbled back staring in horror as the two changed form. The man turned taller, greener, a set of scales moved over his skin, and his eyes turned a neon yellow. His mouth turned into a snout, his hands and feet turned into claws, and a tail sprouted out of him... He was a crocodile hybrid, standing on two legs, and his large muscular arms looking intimidating. The calf's body turned in to a taller, more muscular lion one, its head turned from a calf to a woman's, wings sprouting out of its back, and at the end of its tail was a serpent's head. He had no idea what the crocodile man was, but he knew immediately what the calf turned in to. "A Sphinx..." Eli muttered. his head throbbing with explanation. He was angry that he knew, but didn't at the same time, as if he should have the answers but none came up! He held out his sword, ignoring the pain of his head. His attention turned to a woman screaming in the alley. Looking over he saw that she was pointing towards them... No, not them, but the cat in front of them. He turned his attention back to the enemies just in time to swipe his sword, deflecting a large crocodile claw in mid air. The beast hissed. "No matter... More food comes, they smell like you too..." Eli had no idea what he was talking about, but he didn't want to hear anymore of this.