[center][h3]Manga Club Room - After School 3/6/2015 Wednesday[/h3][/center] Rui decided to stop by the manga club. There weren't any exams in the near future, and in the wake of exams everyone wants to unwind so maybe he should too. As he opened the door, he realized there were only two people here... The Ryan kid from before, and this girl... He recognized her, Ayano? In any case he simply took a seat too. It looks like she was asking about RWBY, the manga in Ryan's hands. [color=slategray]"Ah, that series. Simply put it's about an Academy of fighters who fight against monsters called Grimm, as well as occasionally other kinds of forces. RWBY, R-W-B-Y is the name of the main character's team... As well as her name"[/color], he explained quickly. If he remembered, the comic only started... Very recently. The animation was a fair bit through already if he remembered correctly. The first season was already done by now. [color=slategray]"You're better off watching it though. The choreography is amazing, not something you can capture in comic form"[/color], he suggested.