[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Wednesday, June 3rd - After School[/b][/Center] Out of the blue, an unfamiliar boy waltzed into the room without making his presence known, talk about a dynamic entry. As he went on to explain the gist of the show, Ayano's curiosity skyrocketed. Sure, it was far from being an original premise, but the way he said it made it seem like it was well-worth watching. [b][i][color=007236]"Oh, is that so?"[/color][/i][/b] The brunette could swear she almost had a sparkle in her eyes, it was settled then; first thing she's going to do when she gets home is to watch the series [b]THEN[/b] read the manga. The cover certainly was an eye-catcher. There was lull in the air, Ayano began to realize something, it had been bugging her ever since that boy entered. [b][i][color=007236]"Not to be rude but...Who the hell are you?"[/color][/i][/b] the girl said, her eyebrows furrowing in an almost annoyed manner. She certainly hadn't seen this guy before, did Akane not mention him? Then again, Ayano doesn't know that much people.