[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IO5k4k3vQ0]Warakuma Shopping District[/url][/h3] Although surprised, Mako ended up answering his questions and a little more. Sato tried a bit more of the food he ordered as he listened to the second year talk about the incidents. After hearing the despair in some of Mako's words, Sato felt a little disheartened. Mako was right. Whatever skills they had, whatever they've accomplished, they were still just highschool students trying to make it through the next test. But that was wrong. He'd never fought a day in his life, but he had a bow, a persona, and some heart. If Rui and the others didn't fight back because they're 'just kids', who would? With a new found determination sparkling in his eyes, Sato looked up from the rice dish and at Mako's face. "We're not getting 'picked off', Mako. We all made it back safely, right? I can't say why, but I'm confident that next time, if someone gets kidnapped, they'll come back just like I did. You can beat me up if I'm wrong." Before he could continue on his sudden whim of inspiration, Sato stopped for a second and realized how dumb that sounded. He started snickering at himself, a wry smile on his face. "Forgive me for being weird. I just... really hope that this ends soon. It's kinda hard waking up every morning, a nagging worry in the back of your mind about if someone got kidnapped. Especially after, y'know..." Sighing heavily, Sato put down his chopsticks. "I... I can't really do this right now. I'm sorry." And with that, he pushed himself up, getting the rest of his food to go and setting his half of the bill in front of Mako. It wasn't that he was in a debilitating melancholy, but it was just hard to keep being at this restaurant with Mako after everything that's been happening. He'd forgotten the reality of everything for a while, when he was in the hospital, but the memories of being kidnapped, the fear he had felt in that place... He couldn't stand to let Mako see him tearing up. Stepping outside of the restaurant, Sato wiped his eyes with his fingers, brushing the liquid off on his pants. Before he started heading home, Sato finally decided to check his phone. Surprisingly, the message wasn't the cue to head over to Rokurou's place, but instead a heads up about some thing they needed to do during practice today. Hopefully it wasn't important.