[center][h3]Manga Club Room - After School 3/6/2015 Wednesday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Rui Shinichi, I'm also a member of this club... Although Akane isn't around to account for that"[/color], he responded, introducing himself as he got comfortable at the table. [color=slategray]"I think I saw you Ryan last time I was here, but you were busy reading, so I guess you didn't see me, I was only here briefly last time"[/color], in any case, today seemed to be fairly standard, and with no exams or anything keeping them down, they basically just did whatever they wanted. Eventually they all relegated to their manga of choice after discussing a few newer series popping up, and naturally the day ended like that. Rui would be the first of the three to leave, bidding them farewell at the end of the day. [center][h3]Warakuma Mall - After School 6/6/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] It was Saturday, so school was out extra early. The school week went by pretty quickly, and being rather uneventful. He spoke with Kotori and Sato throughout the week about the whole shadows and personas thing. In any case, today he was out to do grocery shopping, but he went out early to have his own fun for awhile. The weather was pretty good, it was cloudy, but projected to rain lightly tomorrow. He considered going to visit Shizu, though he seemed to have seen Kami at the shops today too. He wanted to ask how the investigation was going, but Kami seemed far too busy to bother him at the moment. Maybe he should head to the game arcade today... Oh well, in any case, he had the day to himself.