[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Saturday, June 6th - After School[/b][/Center] Ayano groaned as the bell rang and signaled the end of their classes. She still can't believe why they're slaving away at school when they could be perfectly comfortable in the confines of their houses? It just boggled her mind, but what was she going to do about it? With no club meetings for the day the girl decided she might as well do something productive in her time. The Shopping square seemed like the perfect place to go, and with extra money with her today, she might as well spend half of her allowance on the arcade or maybe buy something new, her closet isn't the most impressive out there, but who was she going to impress anyway? Destination in mind, the brunette began to head to the shopping center, hoping to get her mind off of school and into the upcoming weekend. [Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Shinza Shopping Square[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Saturday, June 6th - After School[/b][/Center] [b][i][color=007236]"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all..."[/color][/i][/b] the girl sighed, it's probably been forty-minutes ever since she entered the shopping center but all she's done is window shopping. Whenever she came across an item she seemed mildly interested in, she would either change her mind or simply didn't have enough money for it. Just as she was about to give up, a familiar figure did she chance upon. All she could do was groan in disbelief, of all the people to have crossed paths with today it had to be Kami. Sutoraiki Kaminari. Her childhood friend that, as much she won't admit, is arguable her closest friend. Then again, it had been a while since the two ever hung out, there was the time he offered to walk her home but that didn't exactly go according to plan. Maybe now was the time for that chance to arise again? Breathing deeply, she walked towards her friend, mustering up the courage to talk to him. Ayano didn't want to admit it, but she always felt a little embarrassed whenever she found herself talking to Kami, what was so embarrassing about talking to an old friend anyway? They made small talk and conversed for a while, catching up on each others lives and making small mentions of the rumors of the cult that have been plaguing the city. Eventually, the two were walking out of the center, still talking to one another about how it had been too long since they've talked to each other and how she's actually slowly becoming more sociable, the brunette just brushed it off, her cheeks emitting a soft pink glow. Little did they know that light rain had already started to fall, Ayano didn't even bother to bring an umbrella because the forecast wasn't exactly sure as well. Thankfully, her friend seemed to have taken precautions and reached into his bag to bring out an umbrella, asking her one more time if he can walk her home. The girl wasn't sure what to do...Her heart was pounding hard, she swore she could almost feel every beat reverberate in her ears, her eyes kept on looking back and forth to Kami and the umbrella, she didn't know what to do...Was it okay? Is it okay? What was she feeling? Barely a word escaping her mouth, Ayano quickly began to run away from the boy, he voiced his shock and began to trail on her. No...No...What was she doing? Why is she running away again? She thought she was finally able to come clean and say it right to his face, but she was wrong, dead wrong. The clouds began to take on an ominous shade as the rain poured heavily on the city, her footsteps and the pitter patter of the rain were the only things she could hear, Kami's not long behind hers. Her legs began to feel weak and as fortune would have it, an alleyway was readily available for her, disregarding anything else but her pursuer, she quickly ducked into the alley, her panting could almost echo throughout the alley. She closed her eyes and clutched her head as she slumped. [b][i][color=007236]"What's wrong with me?!"[/color][/i][/b] She cried out, the rain evolving into a violent storm and turning her into a soaking mess. She stayed in that alley for a few minutes, hoping to have lost Kami, but given her situation right now, what she wouldn't do to have the boy escort her right in front of her house...She wanted nothing to do right now than go home. Her ears picking up the sounds of light footsteps she looked up with a smile, hoping her friend had come to her rescue...However, her smile changed into a look of horror as she looked up to see a robed figure, looming over her like a predator catching its prey. There she was, looking straight into the eyes of the same cult she was investigating, and where it led her, she didn't want to know anymore. The girl's whole body froze from outright fear, her brain only said one thing right now [i]'Run!'[/i]. With all of her strength, she quickly darted to the other side of the alley only to be stopped by more of the shady members, before she could even react, a man from behind had gripped one of her arms tightly, disabling her chances of escape. Within mere seconds, a cloth had been pressed to her mouth, filling her nostrils with a nauseating scent, her vision starting to blur and her body becoming weak. Why? Why? Why? The thought looped on repeat in her mind as she struggled to keep herself awake. Why her? What did she do? What could they have possibly wanted with someone like her? It didn't make any sense, and the more she tried to think of it, the more her vision started to darken. Soon she felt nothing and her consciousness drifted away...