"It's weird," she responded to his question, still looking out to the ocean, "It's still hard to believe, I mean, I was there, you were there, we all saw it happen...I'm just confused. I don't know what to think. I hope I'll find some kind of answer in Kilika. I thought I'd like the attention but...it's kind of annoying, having strangers come up to you and tug on your clothing. Ugh, I'm just confused about everything." He nodded and said" I must say I never thought summoners and Aeons would return ever. Even Aunt Yuna is confused which kinda worries me. They said they came to help... I know they were around long before sin but it was only for sin we really needed them. " He looked out to the ocean as well and after a moment he continued. " I know what you mean about being famous. It's not all that it's cracked up to be. Trust me I've had it my whole life. Being the son of Baralai then for Blitzball.... There's rarely anywhere where I don't run into a crowd that wants my autograph or latch onto me. " playing Blitzball is his own fault he loved the game and was great at it because he wanted to. He just didn't want the fame. He played to play not to befamous. As the ship steered it's way towards the harbor, just before it entered the shallows 100 yards away it jerked violently, causing all those unprepared to be knocked off their feet. He didn't have anything to catch onto and fell hard on his side. He quickly got up and looked over to Isabeau and asked, "You ok?" After she would answer he would look over the railing and see that their movement had stopped. They were at a stand still. Crew of the ship was running around trying to see if they were taking on water. Then a man yelled "Fiend!" Who was on the crows nest pointing over board. Tentacles slowly came out of the water surrounding the ship. As some where high enough they came down and slammed on the ship, shattering wood and crushing a few men. One of which came down towards Gippal and Isabeau. Without hesitation he dove and grabbed her in a tackle spinning so he landed on his back and she on him. Grunting as he hit the deck. The Captian started to bark out orders to his crew to protect the women and children on board, people started to run up from below deck , but before many could one of the masts was broken in half and fell infront of the door. Trapping most of the people under neith. Gippal stood up and helped Isabeau as well before pulling his sword from his sheath. Now added to the tentacles large crabs slowly crawled on board causing more Havoc. He took a defensive stance between the crabs and Isabeau. He wondered where Urick was at, he couldn't see him. Or Persephone for that matter. Hopefully they were safe. As a crab lumbard towards them he slashed at its legs, severing one of them causing the fiend to roar in pain. With out looking at her he said, "Let's hope you can call Valfore! Or we are in trouble."