[h1]Set[/h1] "Hmmm, interesting I myself also seem to have little knowledge of anything beyond my awakening a little while ago. However, I find myself able to do something rather interesting. Observe . . ." Set waved his hand out in front of him, and from tiny rivulets of sand flowed of his skin, flowing into the air and coalescing into a small sphere that seemed to be the size of a baseball. He had it hover in the air for a moment, then had it recede back into his skin, letting out a slight gasp as a wave of exhaustion hit him. [i]Looks looks like trying to be fancy with this power isn't a smart decision right now, if something like that tires me out this much. I wonder if I'll be able to increase my power sometime soon[/i] Shaking off the thought with a shrug, Set turned his attention back to Lily, putting his hands in his jacket pockets while Humporhy knelt by his side, waiting patiently. "Pretty cool, huh? Now then, mind choosing a direction for us to walk in? I've no idea why we here. but I'm getting bored of doing nothing, but I feel like it's only fair to have you lead usto our next destination. Ladies first and all that, and consider it my apology for threatening your silence. While it might've been necessary, it was still rather rude of me, wouldn't you agree?" [h1]Quetzal[/h1] Quetzal was somewhat stunned by the woman's actions, gulping down some air as she spoke., For some reason, he felt like he was in more danger with her than he was with those brigands outside, though not in the same way. Everything about her was predatory, yet seductive, as if every movement was one meant to draw the eye and proclaim power. The most prominent statement of this was the necklace around her neck, which he found impossible to keep his eyes off of for long. Something about the way it got the light, how it seemed to pulsate as if it had a life of it's own, it awoke something in him, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Once he made his way past her into the room, a slight shiver making it's way through his form as their bodies brushed by each other, he had to take a slow breath to calm himself, followed by a draught of water. The feeling of the life-giving liquid flowing down his throat was very refreshing. He took a seat on a chair not to far away from the door, out of sight from whoever the woman was addressing, but close enough in case they tried to pull anything. When the new revealed himself, wondering if the woman was alone, Quetzal spoke in a welcoming tone, not wanting him to feel unwelcome if he was hear on benevolent terms. "Not particularly, though I'm as nearly as much a stranger to her as you are to us. I'm a beneficiary of this woman's kindness, and am thus indebted to her because of it. And while I'm sorry to ask this, what are your intentions in coming here, dear sir? I want to believe you have no ill intentions, but I have a feeling that such a sentiment can't be ultimately abided by in our present surroundings." Quetzal gave a slight sigh, another wave of depression hitting him as he thought of the state of the world today, and what hue had seen of humanity so far. It had onl been one moment and a single group, but when combined with the surroundings he found himself in, it spoke volumes. [@CandiBarr] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Argetlam350]