Cerbanis returned to him as he was being carried away by Iratze. He spoke to her then, [color=darkred]"They will be only occupied for a short while. Our...friends, will either run away or subdue the humans. For now, follow me."[/color] Wings then sprouted from his body and he took flight apart from her. Amos led Iratze to the city and upon a high building did they land. He looked down below, no one was on the streets anymore, not after that attack hours ago. He pondered for a moment, looking back at Iratze, then up at the night sky. Where had the others gone? Kyra, Seatus and Amare seemed to the the only ones that actually had cared about what he was doing. The last time he was Armarion was at that house, along with that God of Play and Ashthelic. Jack Frost, Thalliana and others only eluded him. In the end, he would find them and deal with them as he pleased. Surely they stood no chance against even him. Now with Iratze at his side, well they were a challenge, that was for sure. Heaven would be his as well, once the damn gates were open. His angels would be all to eager to join him as well, coupled with the knowledge that he had found, the only thing safe to say was that Heaven would be unleashed upon Earth and the humans would suffer as he had. [color=darkred]"Iratze,"[/color] He spoke in calm demeanor, [color=darkred]"Call Armarion here. I very much wish to speak to my dear older brother."[/color]