[@Kronshi] [@Kaithas] [@Jones Sparrow] --- A graveyard. A place of rest for the deceased. They were generally ... solemn, quiet environments, where those who had known the dead in life could mourn and pay their respects. Yet she knew of nobody, no person, who had passed on from the mortal coil to purgatory, to be renewed and restored to once more be part of the cycle of reincarnation. So why had she been drawn here? Why had she chosen to walk amongst the dead, amongst the coldest silence of this drab, dull world that she had emerged into? What was she seeking to find? Three men, encircled by fresh corpses? Her eyes, deep brown, hardened in caution. What had brought such a disturbance to a place of rest? Who were they? What was their purpose here, together, where the dead should be six feet under, not lying upon the cold, harsh soil? She could feel the blood begin to pump through her veins, the tensing of her muscles in preparation for danger. Was ... why was this so? Had she been a warrior in the past? No, why would a warrior be in the garb of a businesswoman? Yet ... She would still be cautious. "Am I interrupting anything?" she asked, composed, dignified. Just as Feng Jidian should be.