[h1][center][color=00a99d]Hunter Monroe[/color][/center][/h1] [center][color=00a99d]Weeks ago[/color][/center] Hunter rode his old pickup truck down the road, swerving to avoid cars, people, and the infected. He's in uniform at this moment, his Beretta at his hip and blood across his torso. Well driving down the road he was pretty sure a gunshot went into the side of his truck, he swerved to avoid it but he wasn't sure if it was a gun shot or just his truck telling him it was about done. Soon he pulled the truck onto the lawn of one of many suburban houses in the neighborhood. The only difference with this one, it was where his family still sit waiting for him. Hunter jumped out of the truck with his Beretta in hand, there was infected around but they were too far away to worry about at this moment. So he ran do the front door and started banging on it. "[color=00a99d]Mom! Kathryn! Sadie! Come one someone open up![/color]" Soon a woman only a couple years older then him opened the door, grabbed Hunter by his uniform's collar and pulled him in. "[color=00a99d]Kathryn? Where is everyone? are they ready to leave? did you grab the guns like I said? Do we have the car gassed up?[/color]" "[color=2e3192]Calm down, we're good, we're ready. Though if you start to panic again we wont be. Level head Hunter, level head.[/color]" She told to him. Hunter knew she was right, his older sister normally was about these things, he would never admit that to her but hew was willing to listen. "[color=00a99d]Look, The captain said he was shutting the gates for good in a few hours, we need to leave now or we're not going to make it. Get everyone up here and grab dad's guns. No way we are getting out of here with just the Beretta.[/color]" Kathryn nodded then started running off to the basement. Hunter went into the kitchen, looks like his mother and siblings did a pretty decent job grabbing what they could. Hunter knew the station had a lot of supplies in it, but chances were he wasn't the only one trying to get people inside. Kathryn soon came up with his mom, three younger girls of many ages, all younger then Hunter and Kathryn, and one boy about twelve. Kathryn had a double barrel shotgun in one hand and a duffle bag in her other hand. "[color=00a99d]Where's the rest of the guns? Dad's pump action? The 30-06? The .22s?[/color]" She just shook her head. "[color=2e3192]He sold them all a few months ago, we can talk later but this is all we have right now.[/color]" Hunter looked at his siblings, then and his mother were getting ready to make a run for the Minivan, well Hunter was going to guide the way with his truck (If it made it back to the national guard station). "[color=00a99d]We'll make do then, grab what ever shells he had stored away then we're leaving.[/color]" The next fifteen minutes are all fuzzy to Hunter, he remembered exiting the front door, opening fire with his sidearm a few times to keep the infected at bay, Kathryn did the same thing a couple times. He remembers the van and the truck pulling out, and he remembers at some point during the drive the panic on the street had gotten worse. He didn't even see what had hit his truck and sent him off into the coffee shop. What he did see what the van stopping, and his younger sister Sadie running from it, to him with the shotgun in her hands. He blacked out a few times, sometimes seeing someone from his family, sometimes seeing the dead. Sometimes woken up from the sound of a gun going off. But after sitting upside down for what seemed like forever, he soon passed out, only to wake up in the improvised medical center with in the National guard station.