[hider=My Hider] [u]Character Sheet[/u] Name: Tavin Freeland Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade Age: 20 Equipment: [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/a/ab/KAP-40_Menu_Icon_BOII.png/revision/latest?cb=20121210120113]Sidearm[/url] [url=http://dcslider.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/rickFlightSuit.png]Flight Suit[/url] History: Tavin was born in a family of engineers, in fact his grandfather had been the Chief Engineer of one of the 1st Combat Fleet's dreadnoughts. It's because of this that, when Tavin’s grandfather retired, the Captain allowed him to keep one of the M59 Raptors that were being quickly taken out of service. Tavin’s father, while not as exceptional as his father before him, was one of the many engineers in the Mech Bay and loved tinkering with designs. Both he and Tavin’s grandfather would spend hours messing with the Raptor, trying to improve the original design. By the time they were done, not even the ace pilots of the fleet could control the beast of a machine. Tavin's mother had died giving birth to her son, leaving his father to take care of him on his own. No matter how hard he tried, he never seemed to be able to get his son interested in engineering. No, Tavin was more interested in piloting so he tried joining the 1st Vanguard at the age of 18. While his written test scores were passable, when it came to actually sitting in the cockpit the instructors claimed he took too many risks and saw him as a danger to himself and his wingmen. Attempt after attempt, and still they wouldn't let him in. Tavin blamed the designers for not creating a Mech fast enough to match his reflexes and was moping around the Mech Bay when he found his father and grandfather’s pet project. Needless to say, he took out for a spin… right when the ship was passing through a sudden meteor shower. One of the instructors who had spotted the small white spot passing through the space debris with ease, decided that Tavin had potential and began to privately tutor the boy until he finally passed the entrance exams. Appearance: [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BrxzKMuJbpc/UisqkLbeobI/AAAAAAAAFXc/8G0vqWRErgE/s1600/Gale+Three+Quarter+View.jpg[/img] [u]Mech Sheet[/u] Name: Raptor Designation: M59 Raptor-C Tonnage: 35 Tons Speed: Really Fast Upgraded Equipment: Upgraded Thrusters and Larger Ammo Reserves Exploration Loadout: AC2 90mm Combat Loadout: AC2 90mm Wrist mounted, medium lasers Lore: The Raptor was built for speed and maneuverability over anything else. Pilots that were trained with these mechs learned hit-and-run tactics and were taught to only attack in groups. As newer and more customizable mechs were designed though, the Raptor became almost obsolete and most were scrapped. To this day though, almost no mech could keep up with it in a head-on race. Mech Appearance: [img]http://www.mechadamashii.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/vf1j_battroid.jpg[/img] [/hider]