[color=ababab][b]Name:[/b] Ember

[b]Race:[/b] Half human, half drow

[b]Gender:[/b] ♀

[b]Age:[/b] 22

[b]Birthday:[/b] Saffra, day 53, year 278

[b]Birthplace:[/b] Outside of Ruby Banks

[b]Resides in:[/b] Wanders between Ruby Banks and Azure Strand

[b]Occupation:[/b] None

Ember is slight and small, her arms and legs thin, though tone from her years in squire training and her following years as a wanderer. Her red hair is shaved in a mohawk that she often leaves hanging to one side, or pulled into a wolftail. Her drow heritage is evident in her black sclera and pointed ears.
She has a few scars on her person from getting into fights with her fellow squires or on the streets over food, though the one marring her face is self-inflicted.
[hider=Ember] [img]http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r722/DArtPB/Artwork/Ember_zps4k5r1dk0.png[/img][/hider]

[b]Personality:[/b] Soft spoken and shy. Often polite and friendly. 

[b]History:[/b] A child of rape. Her human mother suffered the attack, endured the pregnancy, and delivered in hiding. Ember was immediately abandoned, only to be found on the side of the road. Seeing her drow attributes, her rescuer didn't want her either, and she was delivered into the care of the local orphanage.
When she grew older, she was put into training to be a squire, earning her some skill in combat. She was partial to the bow, and had little interest in much else. When she came of age she left the training and began wandering between the two cities, begging for coin and finding work where she could.

Sewing ▶ 15
Tanning ▶ 10
Endurance ▶ 10
Archery ▶ 10
Land Navigation ▶ 5
Running ▶ 15
Cooking ▶ 5
Gardening ▶ 5
Begging ▶ 5
Fletching ▶ 5
Blind Fighting ▶ 5 +30 racial bonus
[total 90 = 30Racial Bonus]

Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value
1 | Peasant's Outfit | Starting | 1SP
1 | Traveler's Cloak | Starting | 1GP
1 | Dagger | Starting | 2GP
1 | Flask | Starting | 3CP
1 | Backpack | Starting | 2GP
2 | Bread | Starting | 4CP
1 | Short Bow | Starting | 40GP
1 | Arrows | Starting | 1SP
1 | Fish Hook | Starting | Free
1 | Rope | Starting | 1GP
1 | Mirror | Starting | 10GP

Cost | Item | Subtotal
+100GP | Starting Monies | 100GP
+1000GP | No Residence Monies | 1100GP

[b]Story List:[/b]
Date - URL - Characters involved [/color]