"I'm Ha-" [i]Des,[/i] his mind finished, though he didn't speak it himself. He still didn't know what that name meant, and it filled him with dread. Why share a fearful secret with a complete stranger, even if he was someone that Hal felt he knew from somewhere else? True, the bearded face and fishing harpoon were accompanied with small sparks of familiarity-but like a feeling of Deja Vu you just can't shake, Hal had no idea where those sparks came from. So he picked the easier question to answer, even if the response itself was more complicated. "No, I don't know him." That, at least, was the truth. Even if Hal [i]was actually[/i] Hal Desmond, he still didn't know himself: the massive gap where his memories should be made sure of that. "At least... I don't think I do. But I woke up in his grave, so... I suppose that's a really roundabout way of saying... You can call me Hal Desmond. Nice to meet you, Ben..." [i]Osiris.[/i] The name held little meaning for Hal, to be true, but some feeling of dread did come from it... And it obviously meant a lot to the German shepherd's owner. When the boy knelt, Hal squatted slightly, looking into Abel's face, searching it for any touch of familiarity, anything that he could recognize. He sighed and shook his head, holding out his hand for Abel to use as support to stand up again. "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, Abel. I don't remember myself, nor you. I'm sorry... Maybe we can find some answers someplace." And a woman now approached. Hal shook his head, his hand still outstretched to Abel. "No... What's happened has happened. You aren't interrupting anything unless you plan to either avenge them or hurt us for purely selfish reasons... Either one will lead to more bloodshed, and I've personally had enough for today." [i]Us.[/i] Interesting. Two total strangers and they were counted as "us". Ben just seemed to be somehow trustworthy, as if Hal had known him for far longer... And there was something in Abel's attitude that inspired some kind of kinship with him, though what it was Hal couldn't tell for the life.. errrrr, death of him. [@Jones Sparrow] [@Kronshi] [@Crimmy]