[hider=Lieutenant Volkov and the Kazak II] [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Maxim Volkov [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/f/fc/Dahl_pistol_breakdown.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150225154920]MS4-B Handgun[/url]- A vintage handgun well liked for its' reliability and ease of handling. The handgun boasts considerable stopping power for its size at close distances and offers accuracy at mid-range. Has a 10 round magazine and fires solid ammunition. [url=http://www.opusartz.com/wp-content/uploads/ice_lightsoldier.jpg]WL-Mk1 "Extreme Condition" Suit[/url]- The cutting edge result of many years of research at Wolf Labs located on Earth's moon. The suit's main goal was to offer absolute protection in the extremes of high and low temperature as well as in the vacuum of space while being compatible with pilot's who have received the ALPHA surgery. [b]ALPHA Cybernetic Enhancement-[/b] An exceedingly painful surgery that introduces a large amount of receptors within the body's nervous system and brain. Characterized mainly by 2 sockets below each shoulder blade, where a pilot is physically plugged into the machine, increasing the performance of the machine greatly at the cost of fatiguing the pilot the more stress he places on the mech. [b]History: [/b] Since his earliest years, Maxim's life was almost completely intertwined with Wolf Labs, the private research facility located within one of the Moon's largest craters. His father, Anatoli Volkov, a very wealthy war profiteer, was the primary source of funds for the facility and kept it running for the sake of selling the newly developed technology to the highest bidder, be it colonist or earthling. With the development of new weapons and technology comes the need of willing(or unwilling) human subjects, and it was in Maxim's bad luck that he was the unneeded 7th son at a research lab scarcely controlled by any law except his own father's. Since age 4, Maxim was raised as the designated crash test dummy should his older brother, the 6th son, ever bite the dust while testing a new weapon. It was an environment without hope of escape, but for Maxim who knew nothing else, it crafted in him a sense of fearlessness and a very accepting attitude towards risk. At around 7 years of age, his older brother finally died while testing a very early prototype of Wolf Lab's first ever venture into Mech engineering. The prototype exhibited great potential until its' main gun experienced catastrophic failure and turned the machine and Maxim's brother into another crater on the Moon's surface. The failure was attributed to the pilot's inability to pilot the machine. Research was put into human enhancement surgery and Maxim was put under surgery to enhance his compatibility with the mech. After years of training and near-death escapes, Maxim had developed an iron will and rigorously learned piloting abilities. It was decided that field testing would be a necessary stage of development for the mech so Maxim was contracted to the Earth forces at war with the colonists as a means of gaining valuable data to improve the machine. For the 21 year old Maxim, he found the most difficult part of battle the taking of another life. His own life was not worth much but the lives of others was something he could not monetize like his own. It was a moral dilemma of his for many years as he stalked the outskirts of the Earth forces' encampments, combating flanking forces and hunting fleeing rebels. By the end of the war he had accepted killing as a fact of life but he had no taste for it, and partook in it only for the sake of duty and his own set of moral principles. It had been decided that the first finished mech from Wolf Labs and its' designated pilot, Maxim would gather more data with the 6th exploration fleet. After joining the fleet, Maxim was placed with the 1st Vanguard Mechs, and was subsequently frozen, his machine preserved until he awoke. [b]Other:[/b] The fate of Wolf Labs is currently unknown with the dead communication to Earth. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/17/85/06/1785066808d24d728c0a17f759321b5b.jpg[/img] [u][b]Mech Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kazak II [b]Designation:[/b] Volk, WL1 [b]Tonnage:[/b] 55t [b]Height:[/b] Medium Height. 9 Meters [b]Mech Speed:[/b] Moderately Agile , 76 kph [b]Upgrades:[/b] Upgraded Weapons Systems, Upgraded Reactor Core, Upgraded Targeting Systems, ALPHA System- Wires in the cockpit plug into the pilot's back for even more intricate control [b]Traits:[/b] Mysterious, Rumor-surrounded, Cannot get up on its own if it falls on its' front [b]Exploration Loadout: [/b] Upper Chassis - Side Mounted Brightlights for Dark Environments, Bottom Mounted 50cal Machine Gun for Anti-Personnel use Left Upper Chassis - 2x Medium Jump Jets Right Upper Chassis - 2x Medium Jump Jets Left Arm - 1x Long Range Heavy Laser replaces Arm Right Arm - 1x Long Range Heavy Laser replaces Arm Left Leg - Side Mounted Grenade-launcher, fires a variety of tactical explosives Right Leg - N/A [b]Combat Loadout:[/b] Upper Chassis - Front Mounted Bayonet Tusks 7ft Each Left Upper Chassis - 2x Medium Jump Jets Right Upper Chassis - 2x Medium Jump Jets Left Arm - 1x Long Range Heavy Laser replaces Arm, ***1x Utility Arm Right Arm - **1x Very Long Range Scoped Rail Gun replaces Arm, ***1x Utility Arm Left Leg - *2xSide Mounted Smart Missile-pod Casing Right Leg - *2xSide Mounted Smart Missile-pod Casing *Each Casing fires a large amount of small missiles that are connected remotely and guided by the Pilot. Very specialized weapon and not used often as it is not produced regularly **Ammo feeds into loading mechanism connected to within the chassis, ammo has no chance of catching fire as the Rail Gun's power comes from kinetic energy not explosives ***Utility Arms are small and extend from the chassis below the weapons on both sides. Have a lifting ability of about 20t, they look like T-rex arms. [b]Lore: [/b] The Kazak II itself has never seen combat, meaning the entire WL1 series has never been battle tested. The WL.95 was the predecessor that underwent field trials on Mars to develop the WL1, and what is known of the WL.95 is not very much. The fact that there has only been one of each generation created meant that any information surrounding the WL Models is few and far between. The only recorded documentation of the WL series' performance available currently is the mission records of a few operations during the Mars independence movement, where detachments were sent out as a flanking force and encountered the WL.95. [i]-It is noted that during the operation the activity of an enemy sniper who had taken position within a wide rocky outcropping in the terrain stopped the advancement of ground forces for almost 4 days until it is suspected he/she ran out of ammunition and retreated, leaving a body count of 3 mechs too damaged to continue the flanking maneuver and 4 unable to be repaired. Enemy sniper was using some sort of guided missile system to take out forces who tried to get close.[/i] The rest are either rumors or just gossip about the odd machine gathering dust in the hangar of the 1st Vanguard Mechs. There have been stories of deserters who were picked off by some kind of dogged pursuer as they tried to leave the battlefield as well as stories of an illusion of a mech face down in the red sand of mars, the swinging legs glistening in the morning sun. [b]Mech Appearance:[/b] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/92/640x947_16032_Metal_Rage_Poster_2d_sci_fi_illustration_concept_art_character_mech_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider]