[Iratze] So, the fight was not over. [color=9e0039] "Armarion."[/color] She muttered his name again, closing her eyes and feeling for his presence again in the infinite space around her. [color=9e0039]"He is not far, Amos."[/color] Iratze confirmed with a smile. "He will be here soon..." Iratze glanced over the edge of the building, everyone had fled... Except for those who could not... She hopped off the edge of the building, gilding on her outstretched wings in a slow spiral. She landed by an overturned car. Inside was a woman, pinned, hanging upside down at an odd angle. She wasn't conscious anymore, her breath was shallow, moments from death... She would cross into the underworld... Iratze touched the side of the woman's head, rousing her to consciousness. [color=9e0039]"How unfair for you, what ill luck, that Brontes should return and the gods retaliate on this day. Yet, this is not the end for you. You will cross into the realm and into the arms of Brontes, the one who started all this madness. You should give him what for... I'm also going to give you a message, please deliver it to him."[/color] She leaned forward, ignoring the bewildered look in the woman's brown eyes, she whispered into her ear. Her eyes softened and closed. Her spirit crossed the worlds and only her body was left. Iratze drew back from the overturned car. She walked away, flapping her wings and taking flight. She returned to where Amos stood. [color=9e0039]"The others will be here soon..."[/color] She predicted.