[@Undine]Hey, could you help me out with this? I was looking at my revision, and while I like it, I feel like I fucked up somewhere. If you could give me feed back, that'd be awesome. Actually, feedback from anyone would be appreciated, as this is the first time I've written about someone being severely bullied and I want to be sure I don't under sell it or anything. Also, since I'm too lazy to put in in the CS write now, here's how I see the below affecting his personality, as well as some added quirks: He's somewhat afraid/intimidated by a certain type of girl, the type like Acacia and Laney, because of his experience, and will be immediately stand of fish and guarded with them. He also never wears light colors because of this experience, wanting to separate his image from anything remotely feminine as much as possible. He is a closet romantic, and a very due-hard one at that, he will become extremely aggressive in the presence if even the slightest acts of bullying, or anything that could be considers as such. As stated in the pad, he did gymnastics until recently, and part of the reason he quit was the below and because he was tired of getting teased for it, but he actually kind of enjoyed it and still practices in secret from time to time, he has dating sim games(again due to his romantic side), he's no longer oblivious to romance, but because if his last experience with a girl(Samantha was a girl he had a crush on and confessed to, but she used his affection to have him embarrass himself for her. By the time he realized that, he was already under her thumb), is he has a hard time opening up to people in a meaningful way. There may be some other stuff, but I'll reveal it in the I.C. [hider=History Revision] Korrigan Alexander Jackson school life was absolute hell for the longest time, and he suffered it in silence. As a young boy, some of his interests and his over all appearance were considered to be quite girlish, earning him a more demons nickname of Alexandra all the way up into highschool. He was a quiet kid back then, and a bit of a pushover, so it was an inevitable conclusion that he'd be the target of severe bullying. The prime offender was a popular girl by the name of Samantha, who tortured him relentlessly and was constantly ousting him from the social hierarchy. If anyone tried to be friends with him, they'd quickly find themselves subjected to similar punishment, making it so that Korrie would never have any friends in the real world to be around. As a bullying target, he had to put up with a ton of psychological, and even a little physical, torture. But the most traumatic experience for Korrie was when he was in the 8th grade. It was the day of the graduation ceremony and Samantha, then a freshman, had decided to pay Korrie a visit. She got some friends and they dragged him into the girl's bathroom, stripped him if his cap, gown and clothes, only to dress him up to look like a girl, complete with make-up, nail polish, and a pretty dress. It was a horrendous, dehumanizing, demasculating, and traumatizing experience, and it didn't end there. The girls had taken pictures if the poor boy and had spread them all over the Internet, cementing his shame that summer as kids everywhere he went laughed at him, calling him names and over all treating him like a joke. He attempted to kill himself twice soon after, the stress and embarrassment of the situation making death seem like the most enticing solution, but both times his sister caught him and proceeded to smack the ever living shot out of him for even thinking of doing something like that. While she meant well, it didn't help him in the slightest, and it caused Korrie to retreat deep inside himself. His parents had been in an uproar, and were quick to sue Samantha's family, who immediately obliged, her patents feeling ashamed and embarrassed, but it didn't matter. The damage had been done. After a year into highschool, Korrie conduced his radical change, wanting to complete seperate himself from the event, which had become rather big news in the anti-bullying community, but he would never be able to forget it. He complete refused any help given, believing that if he just ignored the problem, it would go away. He schooled himself in hiding his emotions, in keeping up a strong front, and making sure to never let himself be perceived in such away again. [/hider]