[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xYmIzMTQuUm5KbGVXRSwuMA,,/viking.regular.png[/img] [/center] [hider][center][color=FFFACD]Sophia "If you can't lay them, slay them."[/color] [hider=Current Attire] [u]Current Attire[/u] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/freya3_zpsr5oxwz2s.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Necklace[/u] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/1d/0b/591d0b3063eefaed3c331083f836e2ec.jpg]Here[/url] [u]Location[/u] Seattle - Fifth Floor of an Apartment Building[/center] [u]OCC:[/u] None for now[/hider] [color=00FF7F] Sophia was deeply disappointed when the man appeared for she did not recognize him. He wasn't whom she expected to see, her hopes still high to find the gentleman who had shared her bed this morning for he most likely held the answers to her many inquires. Azure lanterns gazed with interest as she observed the physicality of her new guest. [@Argetlam350] He was handsome, and his awkward smile as he stuttered a response was quite attractive in an amusing way. He obviously lacked any awareness when he pondered if she was alone, which was strange considering he cautioned her a warning, yet her first guest was seated just behind him. Perhaps he was distracted and didn't notice the other gentleman, but distracted by what? She wasn't that captivating.... Her necklace glowed from the reflection of the fire that was raging within her fireplace., providing a comforting warmth from the bitter cold outside. She approached her new guest, locking eyes with him, but before she could speak, Damian[@Raijinslayer] began a welcoming speech. She smiled softly, her eyes never leaving the new man. [i]"Not particularly, though I'm as nearly as much a stranger to her as you are to us. I'm a beneficiary of this woman's kindness, and am thus indebted to her because of it. And while I'm sorry to ask this, what are your intentions in coming here, dear sir? I want to believe you have no ill intentions, but I have a feeling that such a sentiment can't be ultimately abided by in our present surroundings."[/i] Sophia moved closer to the fireplace as Damian spoke and brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her voice was light-hearted as she spoke to the gentleman [b]"Excuse my dear friend for not introducing ourselves but in a way, he is right to be cautious with how chaotic this world has become."[/b] She offered her delicate hand for the traditional greeting of a handshake. [b]"My name is...Sophia and the gentleman who just spoke is Damian. We mean no harm, and I can offer some refuge for awhile if you would like. But make no mistake..."[/b] Her eyes narrowed slightly before she completed the sentence. [b]"if you attempt to harm either one of us in any way, we won't hesitate to end you."[/b] [i]And you shall not be allowed entrance into Valhalla.[/i] Wait what? Where did that come from? Her head pulsed with pain at that thought. As if on cue, her two cats appeared from her bedroom and sat, one on either side of her. As if they were protecting her. For some reason, this comforted her. Sophia turned her gaze to roaring fire, then towards Damian. Although she considered him a stranger, she trusted him. She assumed he would assist her in detaining this intruder if he attempted any action that wasn't cordial. [/color]