[center][b]The Hunt for Diana - Mathew[/b][/center] --- [b] "COME ON, APPRENTICE OF TEILA! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!"[/b] the tall man boomed as the winds began to throw whips of sand through the air. Muttering a thank you to the man who ushered them in, and took to browsing the shop for a few minutes. The clothes weren’t of poor quality, nor were they of exceptional workmanship. If they lingered long in Southblood, Mathew might do well to come back and acquire a few more nondescript pieces of clothing. While admiring a particularly fine sand-silk tunic near the scarred woman, he heard the mage speak up, [b]“Hello there, as much as I appreciate the shelter from the storm, I don't suppose you know why I was sent here? Or are you simply the look out..?”[/b] The pirate made his retort, focusing the question unto the shopkeeper. The dwarf hollered in agreement, demanding answers -- was the stodgy dwarf on their side, then? The shopkeeper told of what they might find in the tunnel, [b]”Mindflayers? Well, there’s always something, isn’t there?”[/b] Mathew asked rhetorically, casting out his mental net to glean some unsaid information from the four strangers in the shop if possible. The elf’s mind was curiously silent, as still as a mountain pond. The woman was ambivalent, obviously not a part of their sojourn into the caverns. Stotgar seemed excited to go delving, even moreso at the mention of mindflayers. When trying to read the door-guard, however, Mathew only received a reply. He heard a [i]Nice try[/i] echo from the orange man’s mind. Mathew glanced at him and gave an innocuous smile, replying, [i]Can’t blame a man for trying, can you?[/i] His light probings finished, [b]“Well, I suppose it’s down into the underground we go. I hope no one is claustrophobic.”[/b]