With raised eyebrows Jada listened to Isabel babble from the chair, a grin pasted across her lips. Isabel was Jada's right hand girl when it came to getting turned up as wild as possible, and speaking what others were afraid to do. Many nights they spent together out smoking, drinking, and shooting the breeze about everyone and everything. Jada hadn't drunk yet, but she would probably be there eventually during the course of the night. Blasting the music Isabel came hopping over, dancing around and jiggling the couch. [color=f6989d][i]"You're gonna make me sea sick you crazy bitch!"[/i][/color] Jada teased lovingly, but barely audible over the music. As Isabel walked away to grab something for Holly Richard came and replaced her, sitting down on the couch. Jada offered the boy a warm smile, the bag between the two of them was a clear sign of their friendship status. The two got along, but they didn't particularly have much in common. She had been first in line to tell him to go for Rosie when she had been alive, but she never got to see the two blossom into anything. [b]"Seem as you're going to anyway.. You can put the dips into the bowls and then maybe put some of the chips into bowls too."[/b] Holly eventually caved in and let Jada help her. [color=f6989d][i]"Thank God![/i][/color] she replied returning the same grin Holly had given to her. Using Richard's shoulder Jada hoisted herself up and off the couch and next to Holly to help serve some of the snacks. Opening bags of the chips and dumping them into bowls Colton spoke up, his arms wrapped around Holly in an embrace. [b]"Just keep your hands to yourself, Jada. Holly's mine."[/b] Smirking, Jada made a face of surprise, [color=f6989d][i]"Oh, how I will I ever live on without running my hands all over her? I can't go on!"[/i][/color] she exclaimed sarcastically, her hand grasping her chest as if he had honestly offended her. She watched as the two of them exchanged a quick kiss before Colton left the table side and went to his guitar. Making playful kissing noises at Holly, Jada bumped her best friend with her arm lovingly as she spooned the last of bean dip into a small serving bowl. [color=f6989d][i]"I know you're nervous about tonight. I can see it plastered all over your face. Don't worry though, it's not real. Just some game."[/i][/color] Jada reassured Holly, giving her a serious look before turning her attention to Isabel who was across the room flopped onto the bed. Jada got a cup full of the punch for herself. [b]"Wait!! Where is everyone else? Ughhhhh they're so slow!" [/b] Isabel groaned. Jada walked over to the girl and gave a loud, playful smack on the girl's bare thigh. Giggling, Jada shook her head at her friend. [color=f6989d][i]"Yeah, where the hell are Jackson and Vincent tonight? They were at school today. I know you are especially looking forward to seeing Vincent, Isabellllllll."[/i] [/color]Jada teased, sticking her tongue out before taking a seat next to Isabel on the bed, her petite legs crossing over one another off the side of the bed. Despite her teasing towards Isabel, Jada had been excited to see Jackson that night. The quiet and cool demeanor of him was something the girl admired, and had caught her eye ever since the two had met and became friends. Despite these thoughts, Jada would never admit to having a crush on Jackson, and would even go as far as denying it if the idea was brought up between her girlfriends when they spoke to one another. [color=f6989d][i]"Hopefully they are alright."[/i][/color] Jada added in, letting out a soft sigh and taking a sip of the spiked punch from her cup.