[h1][u]Poseidon[/u][/h1] As the man near the grave began to talk, Ben's sea green eyes looked at the tombstone, then back at the man's face... His voice sounded cold, but not hostile, or cruel. It was as if it was wounded in the past, or neglected... And there was a small sense of guilt inside him in the back of his mind. When he said his name, Ben simply gave a smile, and nod towards him. Abel was less formal with Hal. Ben stepped back at the sudden reaction from the man, eyeing the two curiously. The name Osiris meant not much to him, but he knew that Hal was not him. His mind told him that he wasn't a man to normally fill something with life, and yet another part of him said that there was much he didn't know (or remember) about Hal. A small smile appeared on Ben's face when he said "we could find answers." It was rather odd to find complete strangers after seeing them kill, and yet have some sort of trust with them. More specifically Hal. Another voice moved in. Ben turned quickly, his hand going to his fishing harpoon as he examined the figure. Hal spoke up first, but he kept his eyes on the woman. If he hadn't been attacked by countless men and women and awoken with no memory, the very sight of her would have intimidated him. Her stance was strong, her face detailed in someone with power. Her suit matched that well, but it felt out of place in this city. A curious thought ran through his mind. The only people that didn't seem to want to kill people seemed to have no recollection of this place... "She doesn't look much like she wants to fight, [i]Lord[/i]." Ben said in a mocking tone, but turning to face Hal with a small grin. It was a teasing tone, as if he was pressing his buttons for the fun of it. Doing that to a complete stranger would have been considered rude, especially to a man who collects dark screaming energy from corpses... But he had a feeling Hal wouldn't take it as a threat. "Tell me, Do you know your name? Who you are? Where you're from?" There was no time to hear a response. A couple blocks away in the nearly destroyed city, a large and thunderous BOOM echoed through the buildings, leaving the four of them dead quiet. Ben turned to face the direction it came from, and felt a sense of dread. He turned to Hal, and then the others. "Those weren't raiders. We need to hide. Now." He, Abel and Hal just finished from a battle, and although none of them will admit it, they were tired. The group of them made their way out of the makeshift graves, climbing over or walking around cars as they looked for a safe spot to take cover from the demonic howling and thundering explosions coming closer. "There." Ben pointed at what looked like an abandoned apartment complex, with the doors broken open. Not the most welcoming thing, but it beat being out in the open. They all ran in, hiding next to the walls, all near a window so they could inspect the scene... They waited for what seemed like forever, until a thundering, inhuman voice shook the ground. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ben very slowly peered around the corner to look out the window, and as he did his vision tunneled. The makeshift grave had a new visitor. He easily stood past 12 feet. His arms were the size of tree trunks. From the neck down he looked like a normal human being if he grew super sized... He carried a large axe, glowing in the sun, but the most noticeable feature was his head. Instead of a human head, a Bull's head was in its place. Large amounts of dark brown fur covered his neck and shoulders, his snout was breathing heavily, as if trying to smell, and his beady eyes were filled with rage. "The smell of death lingers... He is here too? COME OUT, KING OF THE SEA!" The beast bellowed. "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE! YOUR GREEK BLOOD IS TOO STRONG TO HIDE!" The thing taunted. Ben grasped the side of the wall, his tan skin turned a small shade of green. The beast was so familiar to Ben, the way it said the King of the Sea and mentioning the Greek blood, Ben was certain he was talking directly at him, and he had a hunch on why. He wanted revenge. "If you come out now, I will spare your brother, and maybe the others that are joined with you. I only want you... You made me this, don't you remember? Or are you still recovering?" The beast gave in a few more sniffs in the air, and started to stomp towards the direction of the apartment complex. Ben muttered something in what he could assume was another language, possible an ancient form of Greek? He wasn't sure, and he had no idea why that language burst out, but it meant one thing. They were in trouble. [@Kaithas][@Kronshi][@Crimmy]