Three days to be done, most likely. I'll put up the skeleton with essentials like the immediate premise, a bit on setting, your characters sheets, and enough to give you all something to build from while greater detail is on the way. As I'm developing there's a few details I've thought up not yet mentioned that I'll use to answer this. Night Kiss is the organization, yes. The Night Kiss exist in two bodies, one is where the group was created and grown, and the second is newer, made up of a few old members as well as blood -- ours is the latter. We serve no political power. We receive our missions and see them done, though individual members may opt for less direct involvement. It could be possible that the missions given to us may serve certain powers more than others, we'll see, but the goal is to be apolitical. And I suspect political strife will become a real issue as we go on. I look forward to it!