[center] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maepzpr3NP1rnvfx9o1_1280.png[/img][/center] [color=palegreen]Name:[/color] Xiu Qianru (Pronounced: SHEE-you CHYAN-roo ) [color=palegreen]Age:[/color] 21 [color=palegreen]Sex:[/color] Female [color=palegreen]Element:[/color] [color=forestgreen]Earth-bending[/color] [color=palegreen]Home:[/color] Upper Ring [color=palegreen]Appearance:[/color] Xiu always seems to be glowing wherever she goes. She stands at an above average height of 5'7 and weighs a sturdy 142 lbs, sporting a lean but slightly curvy build. Atop her head is an impossibly curly mass of dark brown hair that she does her best to keep under control, though she's usually seen with it looking rather unkempt. She has a round face with freckles dotting her cheeks under her pale green eyes, and plump rosy lips, giving her a young and beautiful look. In regards to her typical clothing, she wears traditional (or what can now be called 'old fashioned') earth nation clothes when she's not told to dress up or look fancy. She prefers this type of clothing, as she feels it is most comfortable to wear. [color=palegreen]Profession:[/color] By day, Xiu works alongside her mother as a Florist. The two women run a small shop that caters to all the residents of the Upper Ring. While not the most exciting job, Xiu enjoys being around flowers and delivering them to unsuspecting women and children. By night, Xiu studies alongside her father who works as an Advisor to the King during the day. After dinner, the two can be found in her Father's large office, working on her studies and debating over political issues. It is expected sometime in the future that she take her father's position as Advisor to the King. [color=palegreen]Personality:[/color] Xiu is a kind-hearted woman, always putting other's wants and needs before her own and has a personality that makes others want to be around her. She is empathetic, honest, trustworthy, and probably a bit naive when it comes to some things. She is one who follows her heart more often than her mind, and is not afraid of the consequences that follow. She's tough, determined, a bit headstrong, and won't back down from a challenge if it involves getting what she wants. Despite having the attention span of a rabid squirrel-coon, Xiu is also intelligent and unusually perceptive of other's feelings and thoughts. Xiu very good at comforting others and is usually quite a joy to be around. She has extremely well-developed senses, and an aesthetic appreciation for beauty. She's not interested in leading or controlling others. She is flexible and open-minded about other people's lives, traditions, stories, etc.. She is also original and very creative and enjoys living in the present moment. [color=palegreen]Stance on Benders?:[/color] Though she has never met a bender, Xiu doesn't have any kind of fear or hatred towards them. Despite being told they are bed people all of her life, she is not someone to believe something simply by being told. She feels a bit of pity for them, knowing that they cannot help how they were born, and considers herself lucky that she was not born with that kind of ability. [color=palegreen]History:[/color] Xiu has resided in the Upper Ring of the Republic all her life. She grew up being pampered and protected by her parents who were among the most wealthy individuals in that region. She was sheltered most of her life, never being allowed to travel outside the walls of the Upper Ring. When she was younger, the only friends she had were the maids and butlers that worked in her house. Often times they would bring her gifts from beyond the walls, but nothing that would make her believe the rest of the world wasn't just as beautiful as where she lived. When she was 12, she was allowed to work alongside her mother in the flower shop and this helped introduce her to some other people. As she worked, she would hear her mother speaking with the other older women about various crimes that were happening in other parts of the city. It was all so confusing to her and at the time she didn't really understand, and so she would keep her head down and focus on the flowers. Everything she knew about the Middle and Lower Rings of the city, would be from stories or half-answered questions from her parents. Her life was never that exciting or eventful, but Xiu has always been happy to be alive and surrounded by kind people. [color=palegreen]Other:[/color] [color=palegreen]Likes;[/color] Flowers/Plants Long Quiet Walks Hot Soup or Tea Music/Dancing Meeting New People Small Children [color=palegreen]Dislikes;[/color] None [color=palegreen]Habits;[/color] Biting Her Lip Swearing Humming to herself [color=palegreen]Fears;[/color] Thunderstorms Small Spaces Darkness