[center][h3]Cave of Solitude 7/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"So this is where she is..."[/color], he muttered. Kami was already quick to rush in. Sato and Kotori were new to this, but he explained to them briefly to simply follow his lead. This dungeon looked probably the most familiar out of all the dungeons they've been to so far... It was a house, Rui didn't recognize it, but Kami made a note that it looked exactly like Ayano's house save for the foreboding atmosphere and the fact that it looked pixelated. Sure enough emerging from it's doors was Tadao and Riku. Riku looked a little pissed, while Tadao was as calm as usual. He explained Riku was pissed since he wanted to keep going, but without support and more party members it was too risky. The [color=brown]"It's strange though... It looks exactly like a normal house inside, but it also goes on and on forever... It doesn't feel like this dungeon has an end, which is unique"[/color], that was true... So far all the dungeons had a progression. It was likely this one did too, but this winding style they described was likely just one of those stages. [color=slategray]"Well, we should get going, before Kami decides to go it alone..."[/color], he recommended. [color=slategray]"Akane, be ready to rush in, in case we call for back up"[/color], with that agreed, the party headed on through the doors. It was as they said... It didn't look too different from a normal house. Of course, Kami would know it was Ayano's house, recognizing every single detail. At the same time akin to the exterior of the house, many features seemed to have a retro pixelated style. This portion seemed to be just... Walking around the house, it didn't feel at all like a dungeon... It was quiet. At the same time it was also as Tadao and Riku said, it went on and on forever. They went through door to door, and everything repeated... [color=slategray]"These must be some kind of trick... Everyone take a look around, there's probably some shadows hiding out"[/color], it was probably the doing of some shadows... They just had to find them. [color=slategray]"Megumi, run a scan for this area"[/color], [color=magenta][i]"... Can't... Out!... zzzzz.... bzzzt..."[/i][/color] [color=slategray]"Huh...?"[/color], this was strange, their communications were being jammed or...? Well in any case, at least they can depend on Kami's fervour for this. He had already begun looking for a way through. After a bit of searching it turns out the next area to go to is the second floor, and as Rui can predict, Ayano's bedroom... [color=slategray]"Looks like communications aren't working..."[/color], he muttered. It was troubling, but there was only one way, and that was forward, not to mention Kami wouldn't have it any other way.