[color=gold]Colton rolled his eyes at Jada's comment. [b]"Hey, you never know! Tonight is going to be crazy. You might even try to kiss her! Then where would I be? Although..."[/b] He stopped himself and grinned, obviously just joking. Though it would be hot to see those two making out, Colton much preferred Holly as a man-loving woman. And even better, a woman who loved him. He hoped. When Richard came in, he nodded and continued to play some messy chords as he tried to tune his guitar over the noise of their now growing group of people. [b]"Oh, thanks man. Great job being brave enough to even approach those weirdos."[/b] He shuddered. Although he didn't know what it was, something about those goth kids gave him the heeby-jeebies. This ouijia board didn't exactly help things. [i]So... It's here in the room, now... Creepy...[/i][/color] [color=purple][b]"Owww!!!"[/b] Isabel made a pathetic face, feigning sadness. [b]"That hurt! And besides, like I'd ever want to see that freak, again!"[/b] She frowned and crossed her arms, almost pouting about it. Though a bright red blush did cross her cheeks. [i]Damn, Jada, you're such a jerk![/i] Yes, Isabel did kind of like Vincent... But he obviously wasn't interested. He wasn't even here, for crying out loud! And if she were being honest, she had actually sort of forgotten about her little crush once Rosie had passed... There was just too much to deal with. She didn't care about love, right now. She wanted her friend back. Though she would never say that. She wouldn't say she liked him, either... Why were they even talking about such depressing things?!?! Just then, Isabel noticed a familiar face and grinned, widely. [b]"Richard!!!"[/b] She squealed at the top of her lungs and, without reserve, ran over to jump onto his lap where he sat on the couch. Her actions knocked the movies carelessly to the floor. [b]"Richard! Richard! Richard! Guess what I'm dressed as?!?!"[/b] Giggling, she formed her finger into a hook and pressed it under his chin, as if it were a sharp hook hand she was holding to his throat. [b]"Grr... Give me all your treasure... Grr...[/b] These really were her closest friends. Drunk or not, she really didn't have any reserve with any of them. Especially drunk. At some point tonight, she would probably be trying to kiss one of them. Thank goodness for her, it hadn't seemed to cause any awkwardness, yet. Or at least, none that she had noticed, in her constant state of tipsiness. [b]"Awwh..."[/b] Sighing happily, she fell backward so that she was laying across Richard, her head on the empty spot where Jada was sitting, before. [b]"You guys are my [i]best[/i] friends... Seriously... I love y'all..."[/b] A sniffle could be heard as a bit of tears formed in her eyes. Yes, she was already at the crying stage. She would be crashed early, tonight, for sure.[/color]