[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hMzcdgEOVw]Cave of Solitude[/url][/h3] Sato found themselves entering the dungeon before long, with the two people that were in it emerging (also confirming that yes, it was the Riku he had met), with the simple instructions of following Rui's lead. It seemed only he, Kotori, and that Kaminari guy were heading into the dungeon at the moment. Sato didn't really have an opinion on the party composition. Rui and Kami were basically the oldest members of the group (not counting those private school kids), so it made sense they'd be there with the two rookies. Entering the dungeon, it wasn't really what Sato expected. Sure, that room his shadow was in was basically just some office but weird, but this... This dungeon was essentially just a house. Apparently, it looked like the victim's, Ayano's, house. Though, something was off. Sato didn't notice it immediately due to his nerves, but upon entering the place, the teen noted the peculiar appearance of the place. Everything was... pixelated? Like an old game's style of pixel art. He wasn't sure if it was just him, but the air felt like it was pressing on his chest. The atmosphere made his skin tingle. Rui lead the team through the house, though 'through' could be debated. They just kept going through doors and doors and doors, like they were going in a circle. [color=slategray]"There must be some kind of trick... Everyone, take a look around. There's probably some shadows hiding out."[/color] Rui told them, already beginning the search. [color=slategray]"Megumi, run a scan for this area."[/color] Sato followed Rui's example, idly combing through any shelves or cupboards. Nothing really stood out to him. After a moment, they heard Megumi's voice. [color=magenta]"... Can't... Out!... zzzzz... bzzzt..."[/color] The sound of the communications dying put Sato even more on edge. Something like this [i]had[/i] to happen on his and Kotori's first (well, technically second) time in the mirror world. It was, to say the least, concerning for the teen. As they searched the seemingly repeating rooms, Sato toyed with more of the surroundings. A cushion. A family picture. Squatting down until his eyes were level with it, Sato stared at the TV resting on some table. Curiously, he fiddled with any buttons on it, trying to turn it on or something.