[hider=Rodrick] [u][b]Pilot[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/zNSwhjs.jpg]Rodrick Oberfield[/url] [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant [b]Age: [/b] 32 [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/WLEmZob.jpg].44 Wendigo-17[/url], Standard revolver manufactured by the Westburrough corporation, known for its unique revolving chamber's inner coating that makes it incredibly hard for the gun to jam, making it reliable and clean. [url=http://i.imgur.com/spnDFNV.jpg]Jebediah Mk 6 Environmental Protection Suit (E.P.S.)[/url], fairly reliable suit designed to keep the elements out and keep the wearer alive. Known to be one of the better E.P.S. models for cold environments. Rubber insulation in the boots also helps when wading through water, or flooded areas. [b]History:[/b] Rodrick was born into a relatively lower-class family in a poor scrapper town on Pluto, though his childhood would be much what you'd expect. A couple of fights, some scrapped knees, but really none of that matters to understand where Rodrick came from. The best place to figure that out would have been the Circuit. The Circuit was an illegal underground racing track that was seldom spoken of in public, but when local thugs know someone owes them a debt, that person gets to become a "volunteer" to get strapped into a mech and run around underground for some rich pig's amusement. Unfortunately, Rodrick was one such volunteer. Forced to adapt to not crash and burn in his frame, Rodrick proved to be a surprisingly talented racer, slowly climbing the ladder to become one of the best young racers the Circuit had. But, even with his debt paid off, he was still a slave to the track. Regardless of what he'd accomplished, at that point he'd become a meal-ticket for the criminal betters, even being forced to take dives otherwise he'd find himself taking a 200 foot dive down a collapsed mineshaft. In a stroke of good/bad luck, a bust happened relatively around the time he'd turned about 29, a joint operation between the UHA Special Forces and Pluto Public Security. Despite the resistance a lot of people put up, Rodrick literally set his mech's position to be crouching and surrendered himself, tired of being a slave to a track. Answering their questions with an odd sense of honesty, he was about to get thrown in jail as well as the rest for illegal racing, but...for some reason, the caption of the UHA team offered him an ultimatum. In an almost stupid sense of irony, he would have to beat the captain of the UHA in ANOTHER illegal race, or be sent to jail. Figuring he had nothing to lose, he once again entering his DYT. Barely scrapping past the UHA in the finish line, he overcame the difference in experience with knowledge of his own machine's manueverability, and won his freedom...by that, the captain meant that he'd have him enlist for basic mech training. Or jail. Mech training sounded nice right about then. At the age of 31, he volunteered to be cyrogenically frozen, figuring that if anybody knew how he'd basically ratted out the higher-ups in charge of The Circuit, he'd be put on ice permanently. Now he's in a new age where he's needed, ready to go out into a world where nobody knows him. [u][b]Mech[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Daytona [b]Designation:[/b] DYT-365/4 [b]Tonnage:[/b] 50t, Medium [b]Height:[/b] 12 Meters [b]Mech Speed:[/b] 98 km/h, Fast [b]Upgrades: [/b] -Upgraded Engine -Jumpjets -Lighter Skeleton -Upgraded Stability [b]Traits:[/b] Hands, All Terrain, Fuzzy Dice [b]Exploration Loadout: [/b] -Left Torso: AC5 -Right Torso: None -Right Arm: 1x Medium Laser -Left Arm: 1x Medium Laser -L&R Legs: Jump Jets [b]Combat Loadout:[/b] -Left Torso: AC 5 -Right Torso: Short Range Missles (SRM 4) -Right Arm: Medium Laser (Hand Module) -Left Arm: Medium Laser (Hand Module) -L&R Legs: Jump Jets [b]Lore: [/b]The Daytona's peculiar humanoid-esque design is a leftover of the underground racing circuit they were requisitioned from on Pluto. Despite that they were actively used in what amounted to death races, quite a few were requisitioned due to their surprising usefulness in all terrain engagements and planetary exploration. Modified to be a highly mobile medium to long range engagement mech, the Daytona is suited for combat against lightly armored targets, but suffers a great deal against much heavier frames, having to rely on speed and attrition to win in most cases. [b]Mech Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/s9BYXh3.png[/img] [/hider]