[b]Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015[/b] With the preparations complete, the team headed off into the other world. It was a slightly... odd sight. From her own experience and what she'd heard of the others, Kotori had expected some twisted world of bizarre sights - but instead, they found themselves in front of a normal house. Or rather, mostly normal - the house itself seemed blurry and unclear; like a picture that hadn't quite loaded yet - or if she were to look at it without her glasses. They'd only gotten a brief look at it when the doors opened - but instead of some shadowy monster, two human figures appeared who turned out to be the Tadao and Riku who had gone on ahead already and gave a report on their findings. Leaving the remaining members outside in case they needed backup, the team entered the house - Kotori would have to lie if she said she wasn't feeling rather nervous. Still, she wasn't alone - and this was to help a kidnapped victim, so she'd do her best to help them out. Kaminari meanwhile seemed even more anxious than her - though for different reasons, given how eager he was to get things going. After entering the house, things were quiet - no signs of shadows even on the second floor, only the continued theme of blurriness if one excepted the endless corridors thing; much like the recon party had described. Rui gave it a moment's thought before ordering them to search around for any clues, figuring it to be a trick of sorts. If this had been a novel she were reading, Kotori would probably be quite engrossed in the strange mystery - but being an actual part of it made things decidedly less fun and interesting. Still, they had a mission to accomplish here - and it wouldn't finish itself just by standing around after all. As such, she too began to look around - even as Megumi's voice was heard, albeit with the telepathy apparently having rather bad connection. No one seemed too worried about it however, so Kotori put that worry aside and focused instead on her surroundings. Kaminari had identified the house as the victim's, Ayano Wakahisa. Despite the slight blurriness, things were still recognisable and seemed to be what one would expect to find in a normal house. Still, there had to be something strange here - of that not only Rui was convinced. The others had already fanned out to begin the search for... anything, really. Kaminari was pacing around, looking and poking at anything and everything whilst Sato - himself new to the team, much like herself - seemed far less hesitant than her and was already checking anything that looked remotely shadow-y. Looking around, Kotori decided to go for the classic in such a situation - and checked for any bookcases, just in case there actually was some secret passage hidden behind a fake book for once.