[center][color=00aeef]"It is time..."[/color][/center] [center][color=00aeef]Unknown[/color][/center] In a bright flash of blue light he appeared he had heard the distant call of Iratze he appeared nearby although he was not at all pleased that he was being called although if she had decided to try and draw his attention to him for urgent reasons he would understand. he saw her idly standing beside Amos Armarion snarled at the sight ogf his former brother he no longer considered Amos his brother rather he considered him a monster. In his anger triggered him to revert back to his true form his staff appearing in hand glowing a bloody red and his aura shifting from a sky blue to a chromatic red. [@Eyeris] [color=ed1c24]"What is this ugly sight I see, why do I see you Iratze standing with this disgusting beast that should be banished to the eternal darkness that consumes all and traps even the most mighty of the gods!"[/color] He roared his voice changed a little filled with bitter contempt and hatred, which was ironic in the case of his former brother. Armarion sensed something not right about Iratze...something different in her but he could not place his finger exactly on it but he felt some corrution within her godly spirit. [@Eyeris][@Lord Zee] [color=ed1c24]"There is something not right about you Iratze I feel...corruption within you, Amos what have you done to her and tell me why she has called me here although I already know why, you seem to wish to speak with me I will listen but beware if you dare corrupt me you will regret such a deed for I will be more powerful than you can even imagine so speak and be forewarned!"[/color] He slamed his staff into the ground and created a tremor in the earth cracking pavement and causing fragile things to break. Armarion knew exactly what might take place and he was ready to do whatever he could to banish these two if they ever would harm him or anyone else he cared for because he hates the corrupt and detests the treacherous.