[center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C_JVIBQXks0/Uf7WbKwCkzI/AAAAAAAAF48/JKKLOvJKhLQ/s1600/Macross+Frontier+42.jpg[/img][/center] Conlan took another bite of his eggs and bacon. Well, it was actually a... He really didn't know. Virtromeat was the answer he got when he asked the cashier what they were. They tasted like eggs and bacon, but they weren't actually eggs and bacon. This unsettled Conlan a little, he was used to the real thing. Just knowing that these weren't made from a pig and chicken was just strange. He'd been defrosted just three days ago and immediately given leave to a colony ship, it was like a huge city, complete with residential and commercial districts. He was also given a room at a 5-Star Hotel, well they were all 5-Star but the thought of it was nice. The whole three days there was a feeling in his gut, command didn't give anyone leave like this, hot food, hot showers, luxury, unless they were going to get the shitty end of the stick. He took a sip of water. The diner was quiet, thankfully. An all white droid walked over, carrying a small white box. On its chest was a military insignia. It placed the box on the table. Conlan slowly looked at the droid, and then the box. A message from command, he assumed. He grabbed it and popped the top open, inside, on velvet was a badge. A mech pilots 'Legs', as it was often called. Like a paratroopers 'Jump Wings'. And a datapad. He picked it up, seeing that he was being called to the Admiral's ship. He rose an eyebrow. [b]"Transport has already been arranged."[/b] The droid spoke. Conlan got up, left his payment and the two left the diner. It was a short ride on the shuttle, a new model that Conlan had never seen before, but the rumble of the engines was still familiar. The droid had followed, and no small talk was exchanged. Did these droids even know about small talk? Droids before Conlan was frozen had no self awareness, and couldn't converse beyond acknowledging orders or providing feedback. But how long was he frozen? As he walked down the halls of the ship, several of the crew had given him stares, others gave him confused looks, some had to look twice at him before returning to their duties. Most of this was responded by with a stare of confusion back. Admirals usually never personally talked to a person like him. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/0638558721807a66f5f7b7a48ef3af66.png[/img][/center] The Admiral was on the bridge of his flagship. When he turned around, the Admirals appearance was very similar to that of Conlans. After a brief moment of silence, the two almost staring each other down, the Admiral spoke first. [b]"I'm you're nephew."[/b] The Admiral stated. Most of the bridge crew halted their duties to look. [b]"What."[/b] Conlan replied plainly. [b]"Your brother, Joachim, is my father."[/b] The Admiral explained, [b]"Ah. The feminine one who became a house-husband. Well, you didn't defrost me just to say hi did you?"[/b] [b]"Right, onto business. The last Captain of the 1st Vanguard Mechs, an exploration unit, went skydiving and then broke his legs on a botched landing. He retired early. You're getting promoted to take his place."[/b] [b]"Whats the catch?"[/b] [b]"There's only four pilots, the rest was reassigned to fill up the other squadrons."[/b] Conlan was silent. [b]"You're getting your first assignment today. You'll be given briefing room 2 a deck down, and my assistant will be conducting the briefing."[/b] The Admiral said. A young asian man, skinny, wearing glasses stepped forwards. He carried a datapad like a clipboard. The assistant saluted, Conlan did not return the salute. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/671191e2e87f12d0c8bb7a866fcdc9bb.png[/img][/center] The two entered Briefing Room 2, finding it empty. [b]"The rest of your squadron should be arriving shortly."[/b] The Assistant assured. Conlan just sat down on the front row, sighing. [b]"I need a drink."[/b] Conlan muttered. On the display in front of him, a solar system appeared, as well as several mechs. One of which was The Aspis, his, and the others he didn't recognize. The other mechs in his squadron he assumed.