[IMG]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/295/b/6/b676ea542f67a64aef08bbc4eeee88c2-d5ikrhd.jpg[/IMG] |Name| Christopher A. Levine |Age| 26 |Gender| Male |Class| The Allegiance |Personality| Christopher is humble young man and lives in a modest house, not far away from his father. He is loyal and hard to be deterred, he has seen a lot in his travels and that has caused him to harden and shape into the young man he is today. He tends to take long walks by himself, sparring with the air around him, whipping his blade through the forest, taking out his anger away from the view of others. He will do anything he can to help rebuild what has been lost for Trinity, practicing his swordsmanship each day, always looking for another thing he could work on until he collapsed from exhaustion. |Skills| - Swordsman - Agile - Strong Willpower - Durable - Technical - Battle Ready - BraveHearted - Robust Build |History| Walking the fields among the town alongside his father, a young Christopher would be, skampering along on his fathers heels. To most, the boy seemed a bit awkward for 8, still thin and lanky, not at all like his father, whom was quite the guard. Christopher would always stop at the pond near the middle of the field, turning up to his father with a broad smile, one that stretched across his small face. He had visited this beautiful aqua pond every week with his father, a promise of fulfillment in store. The wishing pond, as his father would call it. If you dreamed hard enough, and wanted it bad enough, your desire would soon find you. Young Christopher wished, dreamed, and gave everything he knew he could give into his wish, staring into the pond. "I wish that one day, I'll be able to do something great! Something that will change everything.." He looked up at his father, the man held a straight face, but in his deep brown eyes shone disappointment. Knowing he still had time, still holding in that final breath, hopefully it would be just long enough to finish his wish. "But this change, it'll be a good one." His face red with the lack of breath, Christopher backed away from the pond, looking to his father for approval. Instead, his father gave a nod. His face stoic and serious, as it was when he was duty. Christopher looked down to his feet, pursing his lips with his defeat. He was sure it would be good enough! He had thought long and hard prio- His racing mind was stopped when a large and calloused hand landed on his shoulder, encasing all of it. "I'm proud of you, boy. No matter what, I'll always be proud of you." His father smiled, picking him up and lifting him over his shoulders, taking the boy back home. All the way, he had that large smile on his face. --- "C'mon boyo, you gotta get working on that swing." The familiar voice would chant in his head. Christopher had grown into a fine young man at the age of 24, finally able to look down on most the boys that used to tease and taunt him, the others would be intimidated by his brawn. Though, he cared not about that, he was too busy training. Each day he would rise with the sun, and practice his sword and his combat until the light bearer traded places with the moon. His father had passed on from an unknown disease, his mother had gone off along with the princess, Lilith. Many were surprised that he remained, but in truth, he was afraid to leave. Perhaps that fear was foolish, but it made him grow stronger, not just in appearance but in will. Christopher was able to decline the many that wanted him to go along with them to join anything but what he wanted to. He remained strong and steadfast, keeping in the newly found Allegiance. Though he is not the boy who traveled to the pond alongside his father anymore, he has never forgotten the wish he made. In fact, when asked why he rises with the sun every morning to do nothing but swing his sword and practice in the woods, he replies with a hearty smile and a nod of his head. The memory of the pin coming back to him, his young face reflecting off of the cool waters. "I made a promise to myself long ago, that I would make a difference. If that means befriending the sun will help me along that path, then I shall rise with it each morning, and fall with it each night." |Whisper| [hider= Whisper][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/317/4/6/bear_patronus_by_tribalchick101-d6u5jg4.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=Maverick]Light trickled through the tree lidden canopy above, dancing around on the ground, the leaves, and anything else it could touch. In response, Christopher's sword cut through the barrage of light, reflecting each beam one by one, a small tango in the morning, one that each partner was accustomed to by now. The gentle whoosh of wind as the sword carried on, the huff of air that he would release with each powerful yet precise stroke, it was quite a scene. Stopping only to wipe the beads of sweat that had started to form on his brow, did Christopher [i]feel[/i] something. Something was there, something that wasn't before. He turned his head up, looking around the canopy of sheltered light, his dew green eyes burning with an intense curiosity. He may not know what it was, though he had no fear for whatever he felt. In fact, he welcomed the presence with a smile, closing his eyes in the light and basking in the sun's warmth, his sword lowering until the tip of it brushed against the dirt he stood upon. "What took you so long my friend? I've been waiting." He could feelt it now, just behind him, a wave of calm coming alongside it. "Well?" Christopher opened his eyes once again, turning around to face the intruder, smile still fashioned upon his tired face. The blue wisp in front of him hung in the air, shining in the beautiful lighting. What a curious little thing. Chris had seen other's receive their whispers, so he wasn't at all surprised at this. In fact, he felt nothing but pride well up in his chest that he had been chosen. Leaning forward on his toes, the heels of his leather boots lifting from the ground, he reached forth and let his pointer finger gently touch the wisp. The response was immediate, and quite fascinating. Christopher had never seen anything quite like it, the wisp stretching in the light, swirling about, growing in front of his very eyes. It began to move so fast, he had to shield his eyes from the bright blue and gold from the sun entwining, trying to see through his squint. A light breeze washed over his face, the light stopping, but a faint blue and gold glow remained. When he removed his hand, the young man dropped his sword in surprise. He hadn't seen the whispers change, nor had he heard much from his friends about them doing so. He figured it would just be...Well, not [i]this[/i]. His whisper, it was a giant bear, it's head held proud, it's mouth upturned in what could be mistaken for a smile. It was marvelous. "So..." He stared at the creature for a long time, long and hard. "I guess I'll give you a name then." "I'll name you Maverick, after a glorious fighter, a wonderful man, and an amazing father." He smiled down at his newfound friend, petting it on the head, surprised that his hand hadn't passed through it. As he watched, it seemed to be growing more and more solid, keeping its golden and blue hue. Christopher picked up his sword, sheathing it in his belt. "C'mon Maverick, I'm leaving early today." He smiled down at the bear, who nodded at him in return. The two of them walked off through the trail, heading back to the castle, back to the Allegiance. [/hider]