"Yeah...fair..." Yasmine watched with a mix of horror and awe as one of the distant figures morphed into a--no, [i]two[/i] horrible creatures. One she didn't know the name of struck at the man, and the other... Yasmine gritted her teeth as the headache returned. [i]A large monument, sand whipping across its smoothend back.[/i] The images were faded and brief, but somehow familiar. [i]Creatures of Horus. Bringer of light.[/i] She blinked hard as the memories--if that what they really were--disappeared as suddenly as they came. [i]Head of a man, the body of a lion. The Strangler. The Sphinx.[/i] She knew that name. Somehow, she knew it. It was accompanied with the feeling of warmth and sunlight. But the creature before her, twisted and evil, was a being of darkness. Nothing like the visions in her mind. A poisonous snarl broke Yasmine out if her thoughts and back to the action. Clutch her sistrum, she bolted towards the beasts and their prey. The land blurred around her as she ran before she finally skidded to a halt beside the man. "Need some help?" Her tone was playful, but it barely concealed the seriousness beneath. Yasmine regarded the man with interest, her eyes scanning him like a predator. He wasn't that bad looking. Handsome even, in a rugged sort of way. Perhaps afterwards...[i]Focus. Now is not the time for such thoughts.[/i] Yasmine turned back to the monsters. Her body almost reflexively crouched into a fighting position. Determination replaced whatever fear she had, and anger pumped through her veins. What the hell were these things doing, picking on the helpless?! She glanced at the man's sword. The semi-helpless?! She grabbed a large rock with her free hand and searched for a weak point. It wasn't an ideal weapon, but it was better than nothing. She felt fur brush against her leg and heard a soft hiss as the cat joined her side. She was scared of course, but less so now that adrenaline rushed through her body. Now, she was ready for battle. Taking a shaky breath, Yasmine aimed and threw the rock at the Sphinx. A brown blur soon followed it as the cat launched itself at the bigger of the two monsters. [hr] [@Argetlam350][@Jones Sparrow]