Kladissa laughed in a way that only a snake-like person could. The Charr was so blunt with his advantages, and offered nothing else. There was a boldness about it that she liked. Her eyes passed over him, taking in the small details. She could make out the strong muscles beneath his fur, the nicks in his gear from use, every little thing led her to believe him quite capable of taking care of himself. And his question showed that he had some good sense about him as well. Yes, he'd do quite nicely. Still chuckling, [color=f6989d][i][b]"I doubt there's a silent hunter here,"[/b][/i][/color] knowing that those in the know would recognize the term. Silent Hunter meant ones recognized by those in Silent Rise, any others were mere amateurs. [color=f6989d][i][b]"That hasn't ventured into Screamer territory on a stalk."[/b][/i][/color] She took the ale that the barmaid brought, smiling at the Charr, a silent approval. This continued for a good while until her party was established. There were only three in addition to herself, a very pale human woman, with deep bags under her eyes, with an incredible assortment of knives hidden on her person, as well as a hatchet wielding Aaenshi. She left them with parting words, [color=f6989d][i][i][b]"Be ready, we leave at the twelfth stretch, meet me on the back fence of Greftin's bear ranch. If you're late, you're left behind." [/b][/i][/i][/color] The woman slithered her way toward the pub's exit, when a rather large man blocked her path, one of the many she'd denied. He was red in the face from drink, still holding a flagon in hand. [i][color=82ca9d][b]"Oi! Ya oughta take me ya bitch. Aye'm -hic- worth mordan dose flea riddled pipsq -hic- eaks."[/b][/color][/i] Kladissa simple smiled, coming in close on the man, pressing her torso against his, an arm slinking around his neck, whispering, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Yesss... you're so right, you have skillssss that none of them have... a real man..."[/b][/i][/color] The man nodded, smiling like a fool in agreement. [color=82ca9d][i][b]"You's rig-- ouch"[/b][/i][/color] Kladissa slid out the way as he slumped to the floor, a hand on the back of his neck, snoring loudly now. She chuckled and left, now given a wide berth. She turned and disappeared down the dirt road. Back in the bar, the Aaenshi man turned to look at his new companions, [color=8493ca][i][b]"Think maybe one of us should follow her? We don't know if we can trust her or not."[/b][/i][/color] The woman just rolled her eyes, leaning her chair back, balancing on the two legs with ease. She didn't bother to comment, just crossing her arms. [color=8493ca][i][b]"It's not unreasonable! Screamer territory, everyone knows they kidnap people, she could be a spy."[/b][/i][/color] The woman spoke in a low whisper, [color=8493ca][i][b]"Do you think you even have the skills to stalk a silent hunter? She'd probably hear you the moment you caught sight of her."[/b][/i][/color] The Aaenshi looked at the Charr, [color=8493ca][i][b]"Well, what do you think? Follow her or trust her?"[/b][/i][/color]