[color=6ecff6][i]"If [u]I'm[/u] left behind, I'll just have to follow you the hard way."[/i][/color] Chartose huffed, amused by the threat of being punctual or being left out of the group. Ther was a brief altercation between Kladissa and a surly fat man, which he watched from the sidelines mostly to see how she handled such things and maybe help if she somehow ended up at a disadvantage. The use of pressure-points was a new skill he hadn't really seen, mostly just rumors since the opportunity to use them in combat were so rare it was seldom taught or taken seriously. However, as she left, the Aeneshi beast-boy with a couple of cleaver-hatchets appeared to be having second-thoughts. [color=6ecff6][i]"If [u]I[/u] were in her place, and came across a forboding hole... I know I'd have returned to it the next morning before journeying back here to scrounge up [u]our[/u] sorry drunken asses, and wouldn't have come back without something to show for it. That is, [u]if[/u] I were a silent hunter of any renown."[/i][/color] He walked for the door, letting the other two step aside, then faced the Aeneshi with a completely different train of thought to focus on:[color=6ecff6][i]"That, or I'd have to just be that desperate for help. So in my opinion, I think she lost something valuable out there. And [u]I'm willing to bet five silvers she wants it back[/u]... Also funny you aren't the one volunteering to find out for yourself what it is."[/i][/color] Chartose flamed the fans of mistrust, mostly just to weed-out the loads of dead-weight in the party, but also to make sure that all the others stayed on-edge with their wits about them and completely motivated to find out what they weren't being told. He also wanted to build some level of trust with them by showing signs of agreement. However, it was true he was going to follow her anyways, just because nothing she'd said had forbidden anyone from doing so; as long as they stayed out of her way. However, what he failed to mention to the rabble still sitting cozy in the tavern, was that he wouldn't have made such a trip [i]solo[/i]; she came back alone. Besides, he wasn't being sneaky about it. If he was right, and she thought someone [i]was[/i] following her back from the hole, he wanted to make sure she knew who was following her before walking into any reflexive ambush. The important part was to make it look as though one is not looking for them, just like hiding by looking as though you aren't hiding and totally belong up in the rafters just looking for a cheap place to sleep.