[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/b75q7Jo.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KIQLbZPdIw][sup]"Resisting nature is to resist the very essence that makes you real."[/sup][/url] [color=939A83]Twenty-Two[/color] | [color=939A83]May 17[/color] | [color=939A83]167 [sup]cm[/sup][/color] | [color=939A83]First Class[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/b4qVG6O.png[/img] [/center] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]appearance. [indent][color=939A83]Beside natural pulchritude, Sophia has a slender build, smooth skin, and lush hair. She usually wraps herself in comfortable, flowy clothing of earthen tones. Her eyes are avocado green. Her body is of the modest, chaste kind. These physical attributes and fashion choices allow Sophia to be silent and light in her movement; ideal for such activities of questionable legality that she spent the last days as a civilian indulging in.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]personality. [indent][color=939A83]The way of the world is a simple matter according to Sophia. There are only dualities that complement each other. Whereas some will see binary opposition, Sophia will see symbiosis. She is thereby a person of firm beliefs and passions, whom gladly contradicts illusions and established norms created by people to make them feel better about their savage nature. There is nothing wrong with instinct, desire, or decay and renewal. For, once the life of mortal flesh expires, the spirit will return to nature and be reborn. Sophia will speak her mind and heart without doubt or shame for all to hear. Life must be lived with absolute naturalness; intrinsic thought and reasoning is futile; one must simply go with the flow. Therefore, Sophia is a person of sublime aptitude, spontaneity, and harmony without any signs of remorse, control, or restriction. These philosophies and notions are deeply rooted within her frame and religious affiliation. Despite her autonomous attributes, Sophia can be perceived as reckless, egocentric, and callous. However, such are the foundations of nature and death; the two aspects from which we emanate and strive towards; beautiful simplicity. Sophia’s fallacy is that she rarely adopts self-criticism, introspection, or brooding; rarely considers logic, justice, or relevance. For, there is only naturalness and emotion. She does not perceive her way of life as superior to that of others, but foundational to all ways of life. In her fallacies, however, Sophia’s way of life is tainted and corrupted. By refusing certain aspects of life, she defies the very aspects she claims to live by. She is a murky swamp, deep inside a dark forest; forcing surrounding life to meet death prematurely should they venture near. Therefore, she is not as natural or spontaneous as she thinks, but quite the contrary; she is unnatural and caused. [/color][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/r7TAwa6.gif[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/1QoHB4U.gif[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/ItqbClT.gif[/img][/center] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]background. [indent][color=939A83]Sophia was born in Gatrea to Marcel and Andrea Moldoveanu. They were simple folk from the south-western regions of the spiritual continent. Sophia’s father was a whaler and spent a great deal of time sailing the Willodale Ocean, and her mother was a jeweler and artist of luxury adornments. As loving parents, they never imposed their own beliefs upon their daughter. In fact, they were quite modest in their religious practices compared to other Gatreans. However, Sophia grew up to become quite an extremist in regards to Gatrean religion and relationship to nature and spirituality. On her eighteenth birthday, Sophia made the traditional pilgrimage to the Temple of Fayth. She met with like-minded young adults and a number of priests that shed light upon her questions and worries. One man in particular shared her strong beliefs in the balance of nature and flow of the universe, almost to a fault. Sophia learned that he had on more than one occasion been warned about his slightly radical philosophies, but it had not stopped him yet. He explained that the course of history in the world had not been kind to the things Gatreans cherish most, and that nature was out of balance. Sophia wholeheartedly agreed. Sophia decided to work with the outcast priest for a year or two. She arranged meetings with other devout individuals, studied Gatrean history and origins, and tended to her spiritual mentor when he fell ill. Sophia was stricken by despair when he died a few months later, but knew that he wanted her to realize and accept it as a natural thing; she never shed a tear since. A few weeks after his funeral, Sophia left Gatrea. She spent months traveling the world, searching for something that her mentor had mentioned in his notes: Augury Bloom. In her zealous endeavors, however, she slowly deteriorated into a corruption of her former self, as she beheld the unnatural way of the realms outside of Gatrea. One could say that she radicalized herself and became an eco-terrorist of sorts. It was in her darkest days that the balance of nature caught up with her and she was apprehended. However, on the day that she was meant to meet death and return to the nature she loved so dearly, fate decided to put her abilities to use elsewhere.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]weapon{s}. [indent][color=939A83]???[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]skillset. [indent][color=939A83] .Explosives .Poisons .Infiltration [/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]ability. [indent][color=939A83]"[b]Entangling Roots[/b]": Thorned roots sprout from the ground, breaking through concrete and similar material, and entrap a single assailant. Cutting the roots will only cause more to grow; the only effective way to remove them is with fire or extreme cold.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]aeon. [indent][color=939A83][b]Heraclrhus[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/YSlzSq5.jpg]☣[/url][/color] [indent][color=19231C]Black[/color] [color=939A83]&[/color] [color=19531C]Green.[/color] [color=939A83]┊ Instinct, Predatory, Decay.[/color] [indent][color=939A83]This horrific creature is of thorns and root, moss and poison, corruption and ichor. Its domain linger deep inside forgotten forests and murky swamps, in the hidden corners of the world where the light of day is dimmed by gloomy mist. It was allegedly found and captured in Gatrea, which might explain why its legacy, or lack thereof, was given to Sophia; their similar relationship to nature and death could also explain the matter. Heraclrhus is the enforcer of balance, nature and death, the dust and matter to which all entities return.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]limit. [indent][color=939A83][b]Corrupt Bloom.[/b][/color] [indent][color=939A83]The area around Sophia suddenly fills with putrid waters and myriad of insects, thorned roots and poisonous flowers sprout through walls and ground, and gloomy mist fills the air. Those caught in the infested environment will attract numerous diseases and conditions that will severely cripple their combat capabilities.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=939A83]┊[/color]trivia. [indent][color=939A83][list][*]Sophia can spontaneously burst into prayer at any moment, which consists of low hymns and graceful, flowing movements of the hands near the face. [*]She is usually found outside in nature; either hunting or collecting ingredients for her poisons. [*]Sophia is a sucker for good meat and rarely uses cutlery. [*]She hasn't had much of a love life, ever.[/list][/color][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IFxVUAF.jpg[/img][/center]