[h1][u]Atlas[/u][/h1] Eli should have been overjoyed by the sight of people willing to help. He should have felt a bit more comfort tackling on these creatures now that it was three on two... But one of them had what looked like dried blood on her hands, a skull painted on her face, and the comments she made made him a bit uneasy... But the way she stood, and laughed at danger sparked yet another form of familiarity in his mind, but this one wasn't the same as seeing The Sphinx... The second woman appeared almost instantly, which caused Eli to glance over at her with his golden eyes. Her comment made a small laugh escape his throat, grasping his sword a bit harder. "Help would be much appreciated." Eli admitted. This woman didn't look as menacing as her friend. She had the frame of a gymnast, and the looks of an angel, but those thoughts soon left when he heard the growls of the beasts. A giant Crocodile man and a winged lion-man against three rather interesting people...What was the worst that could happen? With a small nod towards the other two, and they charged to attack. The boulder hit the Sphinx, but the winged creature simply swiped away and gave a snarl. As the dark haired woman pounced at the crocodile man with blinding speed, the Sphinx followed after her. Eli ran and charged at the beast, and with very little thought in a plan he opened his arms to tackle it. The Sphinx was much larger, and seemed much stronger than Eli, but to his surprise both him and the winged creature fell sideways, away from his two allies. The Sphinx was not happy. It did its best to try and claw at Eli, its serpent tail trying to snap at Eli's legs but he managed to kick it away. The figures tumbled hard on the road, and the Sphinx easily kicked Eli off, sending him to the air again. The golden eyed man fell hard on his stomach behind a car, and desperately trying to stand up. When he looked up he saw the Sphinx flying right towards him at a blinding speed. Instincts kicked in. Eli managed to sidestep, twirling around in a full circle before bringing his sword down at the place where the Sphinx was. A screech louder than anything he's ever heard filled the air. On the floor a serpent's head twitched and hissed evilly, the Sphinx looked at the place where its tail once was, golden blood escaping from the wound. Eli started to run back towards the crocodile man and the two allies, he had a feeling the Sphinx was right behind him. In a desperate (and stupid) effort, Eli dove in between the crocodile man's legs, skidding on the asphalt, and turning back to see what his situation was. The Sphinx crashed into the crocodile, both falling over and screaming in rage. Eli continued to back up until he could stand again, and by that time the crocodile had lifted a rusting car, and threw it at the three humans. But Eli went forward, and brace himself, his hands out as if he could catch the item flying towards them... Confusion hit everyone, including the monsters, when Eli actually had successfully caught the car. The weight of his car made him skid backwards, still on his feet. His arms felt extremely weak, but he had a feeling he's lifted much worse. His golden eyes glared at the monsters, all his pain and anger went through him again, and in a mighty scream he threw the car right back at them. [@Phaesaris][@Argetlam350]