Chartose was somewhat surprised that Kladissa had figured-out that most of the party either mistrusted her, or simply didn't care; not so surprised to see her fawning over his scream-raptor. [color=6ecff6][i]"Her name's Tricia, had her for about four or five years; ever since she was able to walk."[/i][/color] He said with a twinkle of pride as he gleaned from the rest of the conversation the stakes of the mission. [color=6ecff6][i]"So you [b]weren't[/b] out there on your own. I reckon there's more to your story than what you said at the bar."[/i][/color] He mused, trying to get a little more information. She [i]could[/i] still be making things up, but the more he watched, the less he suspected this person of any treachery. [indent][i][b]Later that morning...[/b][/i] [sup]((Huzzah for posting on both sides of a timeskip))[/sup][/indent] Chartose was considerably more punctual than his bragging at the bar had promised earlier, despite even taking some extra time to make sure to lay-out extra provisions behind for Becker, a large wolf-husky mutt. He himself had packed incredibly light, figuring if he [i]really[/i] needed more than his mount, armor, and weapons he could just summon it with Becker; although he'd make doubly-sure it was safe before doing so, as there was no point risking his friend on such a quest. Everyone else seemed to be much more punctual than himself however, and had started either lazily watching the grazing cattle from the fenceline, or occasionally feeding a few of them some roughage (or chewing some for themselves). Not soon after arriving, Kladissa gave a rousing speech that offered just enough time for everyone to mount-up before her lizard bolted down the path, followed by Tricia and Chartose, the woman on horseback, and the Aeneshi riding a beast that probably was suffering from fleas if Kladissa' estimate of him was correct; [i]he'd have to find the time to collect on his bet later[/i]. [u][b][i]Several stretches later:[/i][/b][/u] Chartose noticed the bird-calls growing in intensity, not receding as the story had originally told. There were a few things Chartose was certain had an innate ability to drive-off wildlife, and one of them was a large settlement of people. [i]And they were in screamer territory[/i]. Being ahead of the other two, he raised his right arm from the reins in a fist, and signaled for them to fan-out to cover of a thicket to the right* as he then raced ahead to stop Kladissa from running headlong into an ambush, but she was moving too fast for him to gain on her, despite being only a few paces away, and with each pace they would fall further and further from the group. [indent][color=6ecff6][i]"Kladissa, get off the road!"[/i][/color][/indent] [sub]*on the outside-bend in the trail, also likely a form of high-ground since the path is sloping downward into what looks like a textbook L-shaped ambush[/sub]