[hider=Val Avita] Appearance: [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23900000/-Bella-is-getting-into-star-wars-again-dex3fan-and-suzyisbrute-23946785-939-1020.jpg[/img] Name: Valhalla Avita (Val) Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Female Force Order: Jedi Weapon: Duel goldish light sabers (appearance picrure) Armor: N/A Force Powers: Force Push/Pull, Force Jump, Force Levitation, Force Blinding, Force Teleport (5 feet until mastered when it becomes any place user can clearly see) (More to be learned after achieving Master rank) Personality: Val is always very serious, even more so now with the Jedi and all force users being hunted down, she's light on her feet and immensely agile, she does a lot of spins, flips and twists when she fights preferring to always be advancing,. Though she's serious she has a soft affectionate side especially toward kids and animals, she likes to be in charge and has a leaders personality, she likes to speak up for those who cannot or won't. Background: Val grew up on Dantooine, constantly watching and hearing of the struggle between the Dark Side and the Light, she watched her father work a farm that produced next to nothing, she watched him barter and sell items to keep her alive, her mother had died in childbirth with Val's little sister who had also passed away, Val cleaned the house and cooked food and tried to help her father as much as she could, when she was little she'd run around with a stick pretending it was a light saber and that she'd slay bad guys. Growing older her desire to help the Jedi win the war grew stronger, she often went with her dad to the small town to sell his gathered items, there she ran into a real Jedi, begging him to let her help and teach her the ways of the force the Jedi stayed with them a while, teaching her small things here and there, then when he'd made up his mind he took her with him to start her Jedi padawan training. When order 66 was executed her and her master were able to escape and make it to Sanctuary. Destiny: To help bring back the Jedi and restore balance to the Force. [/hider]