[hider=Liam Carver] [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/OBeGy0k.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Liam Carver [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species/Race[/b]: Human [b]Force Order:[/b] Gray Paladins [b]Weapon:[/b] Fists: Proficient at Stave, Novice at Taras Kasi Blades: Carries with him a Vibrostaff which has his mothers name engraved on the handle [hider=Lightsaber] Although rarely using the lightsaber, Liam does still carry two and is versed in the forms Trakata, Jar'Kai and Juno although is no master of the forms. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Hlm3q0R.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Armor:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pjxA7t4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Force Powers (Pick a few):[/b] Grey Paladin's rely little on the Force. Unlike their jedi counterparts, they instead use it in an auxiliary fashion. The Paladin's frequently allowed the Force to guide their actions, giving them incredible speed and accuracy. Couple that with the fact that they are proficient in almost every weapon type, they are one of the most deadly foes to ever encounter. [b]Personality[/b]: A very careful man who always is aware of his surroundings he is usually silent and rarely talks unless spoken to. However, should have something to say you he will not hesitate to do so and is also kind hearted (Although he rarely shows it). If he does make any friends, he holds them very dear and is willing to do anything for them…..Even if it means he comes out a bad guy. Also has an “Older Brother- Younger Brother” relationship with his Master. [b]Bio:[/b] Liam is no stranger to both the force or the suffering. Born to a single mother, living on tatooine was no walk in the park for Carver. Most of his days were comprised of stealing odds and ends and food for his mother. One day however his life changed when at the age of five a Grey Paladin ,and his soon to be master, Cro Grom visited the planet. Carver, curios as to why anyone would even come to this god-forsaken planet, noticed the hilt of the Paladin's saber and tried to steal it by using the force and ultimately failed…..miserably. What ensued was a chase through the streets before Carver finally gave up. Instead of punishing the boy, Cro Grom noticed something within the boy and took him back to the Grey Paladin's (with the permission of his mother, of course). There Liam trained endlessly, being taught the ways of blade, pistol and fist. By the time he was 17, Liam was practically a expert on Stava, being able to take out six to seven foes within a matter of seconds. As well as this he was taught the proper use of pistol's, blades and even his lightsaber. To top it all off with the precision and speed in which the Grey Paladin's possess, by the time he turned 18 he was one of the better students trained by the Paladin's. His knowledge of combat, guerrilla warfare, urban tactics, espionage and infiltration, and even expansive weapons and vehicle training, topped with the way he was taught to use the force, he proved to be, much like his master, a lethal weapon. However his whole life would take a turn for the worse as at the age of Seventeen, Order 66 was carried out upon the Gray Paladin's. Liam and a multitude of the Paladin's managed to fight their way out, With the heads of the order deciding that it would best to go into hiding on a planet that housed what remained of the jedi. Once at Sanctuary, Liam then spent the next year alongside his master and a few other Paladin's as they were tasked with helping jedi get off Coruscant with the help of Whiplash. Now at the age of 20 Liam is about to become a full fledged Paladin. Only time will tell if he will fulfill his destiny or not. [b]Destiny:[/b]To ensure that those who attacked his order live no more, to ensure that the teachings of the Paladin's are preserved. [b]Master Info[/b] [b]Master's Name:[/b] Cro Grom [b]Race/Species:[/b] Kel Dor [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i.imgur.com/M0qTDAc.jpg?1[/img][/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] A rather hardy fellow, Master Cro Grom is never one to shy from a fight and is never too busy to teach his padawan. Although he rather fight than talk, he will always hear both sides of every story before choosing a side. Cro Grom’s curiosity never seemed to cease as not only does he want to learn, he also wants his padawan to learn aswell. [/hider]