Name: Kilgaris Pom Race: Sith Appearance: His skin tone is a deep red. He has 2 inch long bone spurs potruding from his elbows. He has higher cheekbones then the average pure-blood and very long cheek tendrils. His eyes glow yellow normally and turn red when he's angry. He had three digits on each hand, all of them ending in razor sharp claws. He had very keen senses. Force Tradition: Sith Force powers: Through letting his rage do the talking he has learnt telekinesis and has gotten rather strong with it ranging from a force push to a force choke. His force lightning is also a very powerful force to be reckoned with. However despite this he has no talent in force healing and has not yet learnt any sorcery. Skills: He is learning how to fly. Can use blades very well whether using two, one or a double bladed blade he has learnt how to wield them well changing styles with ease depending on the opponent. He has also learnt how to use the family relic of the lanvarok. Acrobatics. Personality: Has a very set mindset and would NEVER shy away from a fight. If he gives into his anger (and he often does) he goes into a beserk rage that enhances his skills but blinds him of morality. Surprisingly however when not in a rage he is a complete contrast. Very calm and dignified he is a very laid back and controlled person. Backstory: Thousands of years ago the exiled dark jedi discovered the planet Korriban and the dark side sensitive species called the sith that lived there. The dark jedi enslaved them and took over their worlds interbreeding with the species. A large group from another planet of the sith discovered through the force that they were to be their slaves. Although the majority thought the dark jedi were godlike and wanted to worship them a few didn't and flew away on a colony ship landing on an isolated world that the locals called Dathomir. Many years passed and some of them decided to leave the world in favour of a more suitable one, Cyphan. Kilgaris was born a few years before the decision was made and during those 5 years trained in combat by both Dathomirians AND his fellow Sith who also taught him in the ways of the force. Travelling to Cyphan he kept training. 20 years on he heard about the Geonosis war...