[hider=Jason Je'and] Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/puq8HVz.png[/img] Name: Jason Je'and Age: 21 Race: Human Gender: Male Force Order: Order of the Grey (Grey Jedi) Weapon: Twin black lightsabers that interlink into a double bladed lightsaber Armor: Armored Combat Robes (Family Heirloom), also has an old suit Force Powers: Pyrokinesis (Adept?), Force Lightening (Proficient), Force Tornado (Proficient), Force Cloak (Proficient) Personality: Jason can be brash and act without thinking, but he is kind, strong and embraces the tenants of his Order with zeal. He is also very accepting unless you're the kind of evil that makes people want you dead. Background: Jason was born into the founding family of the Order of the Grey, the Je'ands. Hundreds of years before, after the Great War with the Sith Empire, Zar'kun Je'and, Alice Je'and, and their son, Jerus, founded the Order after disagreements with their former Jedi friends. Jerus was placed into the leadership position because of his experience and his Mandalorian, received while keeping his Jedi heritage a secret, training while his parents acted as councilers to help guide him. Jason's father, Roman, began training him from the age of four, when it became apparent he could use the Force. It began with simple exercises, levitating a pepple, basic saber forms, other basic Force techniques, and grew more advanced as he got older. By age ten, he could already use Force Fire proficiently and summon a Force Tornado, though he couldn't sustain it for very long. When he was twenty, the Empire's soldiers attacked their enclave on Ruusan. It was sudden and devastating, the members of the Order of the Grey having been in the middle of eating, meditating, or discussing various philosophies. Jason himself had been in the middle of lunch when the attack hit. The only warning they got was the sound of turbolasters bombarding the area, then the Storm Troopers burst in the doors, gunning down every Force User they saw. Roman signaled an evacuation, having his family and the others who couldn't fight flee with an escort, the rest remaining behind to buy time. A few months later, they were contacted and informed of Sanctuary. This is where Jason has finished his training. Destiny: "The Grey will return and Balance repaired by your hands." Notes: Force Tornado is sending a vortex of lightening at the opponent to both levitate and shock them briefly. Phase Walking will never get any stronger for him. Force Fire isn't mastered, but is higher than Proficient. Jason's ancestor Jerus built his reputation as a bounty hunter because of his Mandalorian training, not because of his Force inheritance.[/hider]