[hider=Tarth]Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4d/Ikrit-PotJSB.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/170?cb=20120612164314&format=webp[/img] Name: Tarth Age: 43 Race: Kushiban Gender: Male Force Order: Wardens of the Sky Weapon: Tarth uses an unarmed style of fighting Armor: N/A Force Powers: Force push, Force Pull, Force Jump, Force Deflect/Tutiminis (is strong enough to deflect up to 3 lightsaber strikes and ten blaster shots), Force Crush, Force Mind Wiping Personality: Tarth is a friendly creature that would can come across as easily like able, this may be due to his appearance as a small fur ball but none the less gives off a good vibe. That is however unless someone refers to him as just a mere animal or makes fun of his size as he stands at only .62 meters which can set him off. Other than these small outbursts he is a rather friendly person who would rather resolve an issue with words and subtle force mind manipulation rather than out right violence though he is confident in his fighting style. Background: Tarth was born on his home planet of Kushibah, into a farming family were he easily grew restless with the daily routine and simple life. He longed for a greater life off the planet and soon after twenty years got his chance with a group of traders that were leaving for the inner rims worlds. On the trip, he met a Warden of the Sky who sensed a connection to the force in the young Kushiban and offered to train him in the ways of the force to help others. Tarth quickly took the human up on the offer and traveled with the man for ten years as he learned the ways of the force and the spacelanes. After his training, Tarth left his friend to travel his own path and protect those that could not protect themselves. He spent the next twelve years providing direction as a navigator for man different ships that hired his use. This was an enjoyable life for the Kushiban until a ship that he had been navigating for was stopped by an Imperial Frigate for a standard inspection and discovered the he was a force-sensitive creature. This was the end of Tarth's life has he was forced to flee from the ship and disappear from the spacelanes for the time being. During his time laying low in a spaceport in the outer rim of planets, he heard about a rumor of a force users paradise away from the Empire's eyes and decided to hunt down this place for himself. Destiny: Tarth desires to eventually bring order back to the galaxy and return to his duty of keeping the spacelanes safe for travelers.[/hider]